- supports two traversal algorithms: breadth-first and depth-first
- supports depth limiting and queue size limiting
- supports adding custom URI discovery logic, based on XPath, CSS selectors, or plain old PHP
- comes with a useful set of URI filters, such as Domain limiting
- supports custom URI filters, both prefetch (URI) and postfetch (Resource content)
- supports custom request handling logic
- comes with a useful set of persistence handlers (memory, file. Redis soon to follow)
- supports custom persistence handlers
- collects statistics about the crawl for reporting
- dispatches useful events, allowing developers to add even more custom behavior
- supports a politeness policy
- will soon come with many default discoverers: RSS, Atom, RDF, etc.
- will soon support multiple queueing mechanisms (file, memcache, redis)
- will eventually support distributed spidering with a central queue
The easiest way to install PHP-Spider is with composer. Find it on Packagist.
Note: if you want to run the examples or unit tests, you need to do
composer install --dev
, so that all dependencies for the examples also get installed.
This is a very simple example. This code can be found in example/example_simple.php. For a more complete example with some logging, caching and filters, see example/example_complex.php. That file contains a more real-world example.
First create the spider
use VDB\Spider\Spider;
use VDB\Spider\Discoverer\XPathExpressionDiscoverer;
$spider = new Spider('http://www.dmoz.org');
Add a URI discoverer. Without it, the spider does nothing. In this case, we want all <a>
nodes from a certain <div>
$spider->addDiscoverer(new XPathExpressionDiscoverer("//div[@id='catalogs']//a"));
Set some sane options for this example. In this case, we only get the first 10 items from the start page.
Execute the crawl
When crawling is done, we could get some info about the crawl
$stats = $spider->getStatsHandler();
echo "\nSPIDER ID: " . $stats->getSpiderId();
echo "\n ENQUEUED: " . count($stats->getQueued());
echo "\n SKIPPED: " . count($stats->getFiltered());
echo "\n FAILED: " . count($stats->getFailed());
Finally we could do some processing on the downloaded resources. In this example, we will echo the title of all resources
foreach ($spider->getPersistenceHandler() as $resource) {
echo "\n - " . $resource->getCrawler()->filterXpath('//title')->text();
Contributing to PHP-Spider is as easy as Forking the repository on Github and submitting a Pull Request. The Symfony documentation contains an excellent guide for how to do that properly here: Submitting a Patch.
There a few requirements for a Pull Request to be accepted:
- Follow the coding standards: PHP-Spider follows the coding standards defined in the PSR-0, PSR-1 and PSR-2 Coding Style Guides;
- Prove that the code works with unit tests;
Note: An easy way to check if your code conforms to PHP-Spider is by running Scrutinizer on your local code. You can do it simply by downloading scrutinizer.phar and running it on your PHP-Spider repository like so:
php scrutinizer.phar run /path/to/php-spider
For things like reporting bugs and requesting features it is best to create an issue here on GitHub. It is even better to accompany it with a Pull Request. ;-)
If you have other questions, or need some tips, you can send a tweet to @phpspider or send an email to [email protected].
PHP-Spider is licensed under the MIT license.