Forklift a Generic Repository Pattern engine, made to support multiple abstraction of Domain-Driven Design repository implementations.
ORM/ActiveRecords implementations
- PHP InMemory - Starting papers
- Laravel Eloquent - In progress
- Doctrine ORM - In progress
- MongoDB - In progress
- Redis - In progress
- REST (Guzzle) - In progress
use Peroxide\Forklift\GenericRepository;
use Peroxide\Forklift\Adapter\InMemoryStrategy;
$repository = new GenericRepository(new InMemoryStrategy());
$entity = new Product();
// Persisting an Entity in products collection in memory
// ex: array{'products': [ Product{...} ]}
use Peroxide\Forklift\GenericRepository;
use Peroxide\Forklift\Adapter\InMemoryStrategy;
$repository = new GenericRepository(
new InMemoryStrategy(require __DIR__ . '/dump_db_array.php')
// Produce a Query like:
// name = 'My product' AND active is true
$criteria = (new CriteriaBuilder())
->equal('name', 'My product')
->equal('active', true)
->orderBy('name', 'DESC')
// Array of object Product
$products = $repository->collection('products')
- Generic Repository
- Specification
- Filter/Criteria
- Data Mapping
- Unity Of Work
- State
- Flyweight
- Iterator
- Strategy
- Chain of Responsibility