A Where's Waldo app that operates like a photo tagging app, which was developed using React, Javascript, CSS, HTML, and FireBase (Cloud Firestore and hosting). This app was designed, developed and conducted to be submitted as my assignment for The Odin Project Fullstack JavaScript Where's Waldo (A Photo Tagging App).
- Selecting a point on the map takes the selected coordinates and checks it against the characters coordinates stored in the FireBase Cloud Firestore database associated to that map.
- on successfully finding all characters players can submit their time score to a global leaderboard and therefore see how they rank against others.
- Implementation of FireBase Cloud Firestore database to record player scores on a global leaderboard, as well as record anonymously submitted guest scores.
- Implementation of FireBase Hosting.
Open the live app at the following address:
- Please follow the following steps if you would like to install and run the porject locally on http://localhost:3000/:`
Clone the repository to your local folder of choice
[email protected]:Pierce-44/where-is-waldo.git
Install NPM packages
npm install
Start the app on your localhost
npm start