Second team project of CodersCamp2021. It is a single page web application. Our motivation was to learn how to work as a group on a project and improve our skills in web technologies.
BoardMap is a solution for sharing information and announcements in notice-boards. The goal of this project was to build a social app to simplify people connections at local level.
- Boards creating (private or public)
- User account creating
- Boards subscribing and pinning
- Announcements adding
- Comments adding
Project is divided into frontend and backend part.
Repo: CodersCamp2021.Project-2.React
Mentor: Piotr Rynio
- React
- styled-components
- Mock Service Worker
- Jest testing-library
- react-testing-library
- user-event-testing-library
- react-icons
- react-router
- react-router-dom
- react-select
- react-hook-form
- uuid
- Prop-types
- bcrypt
- express
- joi
- Json Web Token
- Morgan
- Swagger
- Cookie Parser
- Cors
- uuid
- morgan
- Husky
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Codecov
- Lint-staged
- Nodemon
Running this project locally Frontend
- Clone this project locally
- Run
npm install
in your bash/command line - Run
npm run start-fe
in your bash/command line - Run
npm run start-be
in your bash/command line - Go to
in your browser (or other from your bash/command line info).
- Compile and minify for production -
npm build
- Run all tests -
npm test