Convert midi files to a data format Plasma devices can easily digest
Upload a MIDI file and click the "Process file" button. After that, some text will appear in the output section. It will likely be shortened, as there tends to be a lot of text in the output, so click on the Copy to Clipboard button and then you can return to Plasma to paste that text into our music-playing device. You can find it by searching for it by ID in the Device Browser window of Plasma. ID: 2974886965
API routes can be used to directly query plasMIDI data.
Songs stored in the server/midi
folder can be queried at the /api/process/:name
For example, if you wanted to get the plasMIDI data for server/midi/Waterloo.mid
, you could make a request using software like Insomnia or Postman.
When making a POST request in Insomnia, choose the Multipart form option for the body, and add a part to the form called 'file' and choose your midi file to send.
script requires the mido python module to parse MIDI files. You can install this module by running the following command:
python3 -m pip install mido
After that, you'll need to get the python files. If you've cloned this repo, the path to will be server/scripts/
. Otherwise you can download the zip file here.
python3 path/to/ path/to/my_file.mid
It will output a JSON string representation which you can either pipe into a program or file to parse it.
If you only want one or more specific tracks, append the track number or name onto the command, and it will only output the tracks that exactly match those names/numbers:
python3 path/to/ path/to/my_file.mid 3 "DRUMS"
On Windows, you can also pipe the output into your clipboard like so:
python3 path/to/ path/to/my_file.mid 3 "DRUMS" | clip.exe
If you want to contribute to the web part of the project, you'll need to run the server locally to test it. You'll need to have Node.js installed in order to run the server. Once you have it, enter the following commands to clone and move to the server, then install all the dependencies and launch it.
git clone
cd plasmidi
npm install
npm run develop
Plasma is an engineering sandbox game where you can create your own devices and worlds. Recently, they added the ability for you to create a variety of sounds large enough to be able to play real music in Plasma.
Plasma, being an open sandbox, is not geared directly towards music creation, and even with this great new functionality, it would still be difficult to hand-transcribe music into a form workable in Plasma.
That's where we come in. We made this tool to allow you to upload any MIDI file and get a text representation of the music in a formatted text format that's able to be further worked with in Plasma.
In order to easily use this text format for music production, we've made our own device that is designed to play notes when given text in this format. You can find it by searching for it by ID in the Device Browser window of Plasma. ID: 2974886965