Arduino library for the TCA9548A 8-ch I2C multiplexer. This IC allows up to eight I2C buses to be pragmatically connected to the Arduino. Buses may be connected independently or multiple buses may be connected in parallel.
IFB-10011: 8-ch with Qwiic connectors
IFB-10012: 8-ch Compact breakout
Create a folder named PWFusion_TCA9548A in your Arduino libraries folder then copy all files from this repository into that folder. The libraries folder is generally placed in your home folder under ~/Arduino/libraries/
Restart the Arduino IDE after mking any modifications to the library folder.
- /examples - Example Arduino sketches
- /src - Library source and header files
Playing With Fusion is proud to distribute this project as open source. Playing With Fusion authored source is released under the MIT Lisense. You may use, modify, distribute this software as you see fit. Please include our copyright notice and license text in any derivative work.
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