Arduino wrapper built on top of the ST VL53L3C C API. This time of flight (ToF) sensor improves on previous sensors from ST and is able to track up to four targets simultaneously. It utilizes an invisible class 1 laser to measure absolute distance regardless of the target color or reflectance. The maximum sample rate and ranging distance is dependent on ambient lighting conditions (1.4 meters in short mode, 3 meters in long mode).
SEN-36007-L3: VL53L3 Qwiic Time Of Flight Sensor
Create a folder named PWFusion_VL53L3C in your Arduino libraries folder then copy all files from this repository into that folder. The libraries folder is generally placed in your home folder under ~/Arduino/libraries/
Restart the Arduino IDE after mking any modifications to the library folder.
- /examples - Example Arduino sketches
- /src - Library source and header files
Playing With Fusion is proud to distribute this project as open source. Playing With Fusion authored source is released under the MIT Lisense. You may use, modify, distribute this software as you see fit. Please include our copyright notice and license text in any derivative work.
Questions? Feel free to contact us!