🗺️ SpeciesDistributionToolkit.jl
is a collection of Julia packages forming a
toolkit meant to deal with (surprise!) species distribution data.
All of the packages are installed automatically, so you can simply do
import Pkg; Pkd.add("SpeciesDistributionToolkit")
and get started.
Specifically, the goal of these packages put together is to provide a consistent way to handle occurrence data, put them on a map, and make it interact with environmental information.
The up-to-date documentation for the stable version can be found here. It contains tutorials showcasing the package in action, how-to guids to serve as a quick reference, and links to the documentation for all methods in the component packages.
🧑💻 To get a sense of the next steps and help with the development, see the issues and bugs tracker.
💬 Reach out using the Discussions tab on this repo!