Releases: PolyTech-Modding/PolyTechFramework
Releases · PolyTech-Modding/PolyTechFramework
PolyTech Framework v0.8.0 - First Public Release!
- Mod update checker
- Queue system for popups
- Ability for a mod maker to dynamically set if their mod is a cheat mod or not.
- Leaderboard protection.
- Score blocked if any cheat mod is enabled
- Any score under 71 will be blocked from uploading to prevent an auto-ban
- If enabled, will confirm score before uploading
- If enabled, will block all scores from uploading
- Modded layouts store the mod list and settings
- Adds the autodraw feature from mobile into the desktop game
How To Install:
First Installation:
- Install BepInEx, available here
- Unzip the file into your polybridge directory in the same manner you install BepInEx
- Copy the dll into the BepInEx/plugins folder