Here, we can find some Akka Streams components Powerspace is using across its projects.
It's a generic source that pulls a source and can ack the messages in the background according to certain thresholds (time and count).
val source = Source.fromGraph(new AckConsumableAkkaSource(consumer,
ackMaxSize = 1000,
ackPeriod = 2 seconds)) + 1).runForeach(println)
Every 1000 items or 2 seconds (if less than 1000 items), the consumer will be acked.
The consumer has to respect a given interface AckConsumableStorage
defined as:
trait AckConsumableStorage[T] extends EventsStorage[T] with ConsumableStorage[T] with AckableStorage[T]
// any message should must a distinct key to be ackable
case class KeyedMessage[T](key: String, data: T)
trait EventsStorage[T] {
def name: String
trait ConsumableStorage[T] { self: EventsStorage[T] =>
def consumeAsBytes(): Future[List[KeyedMessage[Array[Byte]]]]
def consumeAsEvents(): Future[List[KeyedMessage[T]]]
trait AckableStorage[T] { self: EventsStorage[T] =>
def ack(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Unit]
It's particularly useful when we are dealing with Google PubSub for instance where we need to ack every messages in batch.
Note: the consumeAsBytes
may not be necessary and may be removed in the future.
- Add the publish piece into build.sbt
- Add PubSub consumer