This capstone project shows a web-platform built based on an online website for a conference (check lisense below for more info). Some design guidelines were provided to create the website, but the content was personalized, i.e., instead of a conference, a website for the tech summit (KADA Tech Summit 2022) was created.
Programming related technologies is rapidly growing in Nigeria. Tech professionals love to convene together in a gathering to talk about technology, tech future, innovations, challenges and also learn new things.
Tech summits offer such amazing platform. This project was created as a build of what could be a tech summit in Kaduna State Nigeria. Kaduna State is growing to become the technological hub of the northern region of Nigeria. This project is a creation of what could possibly be the summit website called the KADA TECH SUMMIT 2022.
- HTML (webhint)
- CSS (stylelint)
- JavaScript (eslint)
The project was successfully deployed to GitHub Pages. The live project can be
viewed at the followinglinks:
KADA Tech Summit 2022
URL Link:
The project was developed within three (3) days with the following mile-stones as a roadmap;
Milestone 0 - project setup (Day 1)
- Set up the repository and tools.
Milestone 1 - content (Day 1)
- Choose the topic for your website.
- Choose images, text, icons, fonts.
Milestone 2 - mobile first (Day 1)
- Create the 2 pages for mobile.
- Deploy the project.
Milestone 3 - desktop version (Day 2)
- Adapt the 2 pages to desktop.
Milestone 4 - interactions (Day 2)
- Implement the user interactions: link, mobile menu.
- Deploy the project.
Milestone 5 - dynamic page (Day 3)
- Implement the section "Featured speakers" with dynamic HTML.
- Deploy the project and check to make sure everything works as planned.
Milestone 6 - documentation (Day 3)
- Record a video describing your project.
- Create a good README and pull request description.
👤 Praises Tula
- GitHub: @praisespjmt
- Twitter: @praisespjmt
- LinkedIn: Praises Musa Tula
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
The website design guidelines can be found here
Original design idea by Cindy Shin in Behance.
The Creative Commons holds the license of the design.