"Key" for new Admin Sign-up: fygc4yrt6fv4try6f23wtr4yw63
PresentSeek: The Attendance Management System is a simple project that aims to make the processes of attendance marking and record keeping easy. Primarily tailored for colleges and unversities, the website has three main interfaces: Admin Interface Teacher Interface Student Interface
Admin Interface: A new user(a representative of the institute that wants to use PresentSeek) needs to register as an Admin. The Admin Interface grants the user the ability to create accounts for teachers as well as students. These accounts can then be shared with concerned parties. The Key Functionalities of the Admin Interface are as follows: Manage Students: The admin can add students by entering the basic details of the students. Admin can change their branches and passwords as well.
Manage Teachers: The admin can create Teacher accounts as per the need. The admin can also reset their passwords if required.
Add Branches: The admin can add different branches for their respective courses.
Teacher Interface: Key functionalities provided for the teacher are as follows: Create Class: Once logged in as a teacher, they will be able to create the class. Fill required details such as class name, branch name, course name and user id. To make the data more precise they will be asked to enter some more fields such as “Term start and end date”, “Number of sessions planned”, “Current semester”.
Add Students To Class: Following class creation, the teacher can add students to that class. The teacher can either add students one by one or add multiple students at a time. "Add students manually" teacher will have to just select the class, enter the details of the student and then just add him/her. With "add multiple students", teacher can just select the class and student accounts with matching branch names will be displayed and can be added at once.
Mark Attendance: The teacher will firstly have to select the class which they want to take attendance of. After selecting the class all students of that class will be displayed. Their attendance can be marked using switches right beside their names. "Mark All Present" and "Mark Attendance for Two Classes" options are also available.
Attendance Report:
Date report: The Teacher can get the report of a class just by selecting the name of the class and entering the date of which they want the report.
Full Report: Here the teacher can select the branch and the section and then just get the complete attendance report of that particular class.
View & Update Class: The Teacher can view and update the details of their classes.
Remove Class: The Teacher can delete a class they created.
Remove Student: A Student can be removed from a class using his/her roll number.
Student Interface: Key functionalities provided for students are as follows: Dashboard: Here the student can view their public profile.
View Attendance: Inside this field, the student will be able to view and examine the attendance of every lecture. They can select the date of which they want the report. Additionally, the count of lectures attended out of total lectures conducted for each subject are also displayed. The overall attendance percentage of the student is also shown to the student.