A ReactNative component which allows you to generate a mini GMaps view for any postal address.
I use with on a Expo-RN app I'm currently working on.
npm i react-native-gmapsview
Import it like this, and use it like in the example
import { GMapsView } from 'react-native-gmapsview';
Also, you need to get an apiKey at https://developer.mapquest.com/documentation/open/ . I use this awesome service to get lattitude and longitude coordinates from a postal address.
Finally, you need to setup your GMaps APIKEY in your app.json .
- address : the postal address you want the marker to point to
- gMaps : the gmaps link of this address, in case the user clicks on the view, it opens up Google Maps.
- apiKey : the api key you get at https://developer.mapquest.com/documentation/open/
<GMapsView address="24 rue des poules, 67000 Strasbourg" gMaps="https://g.page/bluemoonstrasbourg?share" apiKey="123APIKEYblabla" />