A wrapper of Tobii EyeX SDK 1.5 (C++) for OpenFrameworks 0.8.6 (Windows only!)
Some use instructions:
Don't forget to link dependencies "includes" and "bin" in VS and the "Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll" in the executable folder.
In file ofApp.h include:
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "eyex/EyeX.h"
#include "../eyeXHost.h"
In class methods ofApp.h:
eyeXHost eyex;
In file ofApp.cpp setup() method add:
In the update() method add these lines to use the raw data:
posX = eyex.gazePoint.x;
posY = eyex.gazePoint.y;
In the update() method add these lines to use the averaged data:
posX = eyex.gazePoint.x*0.25 + posX*0.75;
posY = eyex.gazePoint.y*0.25 + posY*0.75;
Use posX and posY as you please.