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Realtime Video Encoding/Decoding Tools


If you are curious on research findings or other nitty-gritty details about this project, see the project's wiki.


Project Goals

This project aims to be the standardized video encoding benchmark, easily accessible to all. The tools provided here can:

  • easily compare GPU encoders of different generations, in terms of produced quality and maximum fps with ease
  • help identify optimal video encoder settings & bitrates for emerging hardware and new encoders
  • help you identify the maximum possible achievable quality at a given bitrate, resolution, and fps for your hardware
  • identify maximum capabilities to be applied to OBS Studio, or author's suggested Game Streaming Software for streaming games anywhere
  • identify optimal encoder settings that allow you to squeeze the most quality out of a bitrate limited streaming environment, such as streaming to Twitch or Youtube at low bitrates

The Two Tools

  • benchmark - one-click pre-configured encoding benchmark that runs on your chosen encoder, useful for a quick-check of your GPU's performance at various resolutions/framerates
  • permutor-cli - command-line tool to iterate over all possible encoder settings and bitrates to find encoder limitations, in both performance and quality

Which Tool is Right for You

To compare your own system's capabilities to another, or to determine at a high-level the maximum fps that your hardware can encode, run the benchmark. This will give you performance statistics of your hardware, at resolutions ranging from 720p up to 4K, and framerates of 60fps and 120fps.

For more advanced users, if you are wanting to determine optimal encoder settings that work best on your GPU/system, or are curious about emerging GPU encoder performance that has not yet been researched, you'll be most interested in the permutor-cli tool. This automates the tedious setting, bitrate, resolution/fps, and encoded video quality testing that you would have to do on your own by hand. (People often do this in OBS Studio by hand to see how much quality they can squeeze out of 1080@60 H264 @ 6Mb/s, and when determining whether their GPU can even stream at very high resolutions and framerates).

Supported Encoders

Note: encoders marked with a * support benchmarking of encoding/decoding capabilities; otherwise only encoding is supported.

  • *Nvidia NVENC H264/HEVC (h264_nvenc, hevc_nvenc)
  • *AMD H264/HEVC (h264_amf, hevc_amf)
  • Intel Quick Sync Video H264/HEVC (h264_qsv, hevc_qsv)
  • *Intel Arc AV1 (av1_qsv)
  • Apple Silicon H264/HEVC (h264_videotoolbox, hevc_videotoolbox)

The following have code in the project to 'support it' but currently do not function correctly:

  • Apple Silicon Benchmarks of Any Kind (just don't work right now)
  • Apple Silicon ProRes (prores_videotoolbox)

Minimum system specs suggested

  • OS: Windows, Mac or Linux

  • Processor: CPU with at least 6 cores (for MacBooks, Intel macs should work, but Apple Silicon for sure has been tested)

  • GPU: Nvidia/AMD/Intel Arc GPU w/ a hardware encoder, in the main x16 PCI slot of your PC (for max PCI bandwidth), iGPU, or integrated GPUs on Apple Silicon

  • Memory: >= 8GB RAM (higher is always better)

  • Storage Space: 3-12GB depending on target resolution/framerate, 90GB for the full benchmark

  • Extra Space: When running encode & decode benchmark, allow for 12GB of additional free space (on top of 90GB)

  • Storage Type/Speed:

    • if benchmarking <= 2k@60, any SATA SSD will work just fine
    • if benchmarking >= 2k@120, you MUST use an m.2 nvme drive with speeds upwards of 1.1GB/s

    (See SSD Read Speed Requirements for specific details)

A nice cross-platform tool to test your SSD's sequential read speeds: Jazz Disk Bench

Note: the tool does support selecting a specific GPU in your system if you have more than one, but you may experience PCI bottlen-ecking for GPU's not in the primary slot. This multi-gpu feature has not been tested on Mac or Linux.

Important notes about your system

  • do make sure your SSD drive in Windows does not have drive compression enabled. This can severely affect your sequential read speeds, which is very important for reading high resolution/fps input files
  • the tool supports multiple Nvidia GPU's in your system for both the benchmark & permutor-cli tool, so you can feel free to have more than 1 for your testing (although the benchmark would only run against one)
  • the tool does not support multiple AMD GPU's for the benchmark tool, but you are able to still specify -gpu with the permutor-cli tool
  • the tool does not support multiple GPU's on Mac officially (although if may work if you tried)
  • for AV1 on Intel Arc, make sure the monitor plugged into the Arc GPU is your primary monitor, otherwise ffmpeg may not use/pickup the GPU

Installation and Setup

Note: tool has been tested with ffmpeg version 6.0 (this version comes bundled with AV1 hardware encoding support), so it's highly suggested to use the same version, or at least version 6.* of ffmpeg/ffprobe.

  1. Installation of ffmpeg

    • For Windows, recommend downloading the binaries for Windows from, specifically the ffmpeg-release-full one, which should include all needed features and tools
    • For Mac, recommended to install via brew install ffmpeg (will install ffpmpeg and ffprobe)
    • For Linux, recommended to install using your distro's package manager. Note: the default one may be a much lower version than 6.0 and may require more setup
  2. 7-Zip to unzip any downloaded ffmpeg binaries

  3. ffmpeg/ffprobe must be available on your path (tool will error out if it can't find either); quick path setup guide for Windows 10+. Note: when following those instructions do make sure to add the ffmpeg_folder\bin directory to your path ( any other directory will not work)

  4. Download either the benchmark tool or the permutor tool (depending on your use case) for your platform from the release section of this repo onto the SSD that you wish to run the benchmark on

  5. Download the source files from here (you may need to download individual files if the .zip is too large)

  6. Extract all the source files to the target SSD you wish to read the files form (same folder as the tool)

Benchmark Tool Quick Run Guide

Running the benchmark tool

Assuming you have followed the Installation Setup Requirements, running the benchmark is as simple as:

  1. Opening the benchmark executable as you would any other program (double-click)
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions:
  • select your GPU (if you have more than 1, otherwise it auto-selects your only card)
  • select your encoder
  • select whether you want to benchmark encoding & decoding, or just encoding
  • select whether to run the benchmark on all resolutions or just a specific one
  • select whether you want to run it in verbose mode for extra logging (useful for error debugging)
  1. Wait for the benchmark to finish, which should not take that long


Stopping the tool

Kill the tool at any time by hitting ctrl-c in the terminal/console where the tool is running.

Understanding the results

You'll be given the maximum fps statistics possible at a given resolution, with those results logged out to a benchmark.log file:

[Permutation:   1/8]
[Resolution:    1280x720]
[Encoder:       h264_nvenc]
[FPS:           60]
[Bitrate:       10Mb/s]
[-preset p1 -tune ll -profile:v high -rc cbr -cbr true]
  [00:00:01] [###########################] 1800/1800 frames (00:00:00)
  Average FPS:  867 
  1%'ile:       660 
  90%'ile:      1014

(Other resolutions will be here)

[Permutation:   8/8]
[Resolution:    3840x2160]
[Encoder:       h264_nvenc]
[FPS:           120]
[Bitrate:       110Mb/s]
[-preset p1 -tune ll -profile:v high -rc cbr -cbr true]
  [00:00:29] [###########################] 2383/2383 frames (00:00:00)
  Average FPS:  83
  1%'ile:       48
  90%'ile:      86

Benchmark runtime: 1m33s

Note: the encoder settings used, in this example -preset p1 -tune ll -profile:v high -rc cbr -cbr true, are preset by the author from his findings of what settings produced the highest possible fps.

You may also wonder why the bitrate varies for each resolution & framerate, and where those values were pulled from. With use of the permutor-cli tool the author was able to determine that bitrates above the set amount do not provide any noticeable improvement in encode quality.

For more in-depth analysis of the fps statistics and what it tells you, see How to Interpret FPS Statistics.

Permutor Cli Quick Run Guide

Note: the permutor-cli tool is designed to be run from a terminal or command-line, and will not work if you double-click it like the benchmark will.

Viewing all supported options

For a complete list of all command line arguments and what they mean, run:

./permutor-cli -h

For the most part, options are self-explanatory, however see some common use cases for a clearer understanding.

Stopping the tool

Kill the tool at any time by hitting ctrl-c in the terminal/console where the tool is running.

Permutor Cli Common Commands and Use Cases

Identifying the best encoder settings for a given resolution, framerate, and bitrate

Unlike the benchmark which will run one permutation over every resolution & framerate combination supported, the permutor-cli tool will instead iterate over different encoder setting permutations for a fixed resolution & framerate.

For the below example, we are wanting to run over all possible encoder settings, at 20Mb/s, for the h264_nvenc encoder, targeted at 4K@60, checking the encoded output's quality: ./permutor-cli -e h264_nvenc -s 4k-60.y4m -b 20 -c

We happen to know that 20Mb/s is way too low of a bitrate for 4K@60, no matter your encoder settings. This tool also supports slowly increasing the bitrate to help you find the minimum bitrate needed to get visually lossless game streaming at a target resolution & framerate.

Identifying the minimum bitrate needed to achieve visually lossless video quality

If you are unsure on the definition of visually lossless quality, see the wiki's terminology section.

To find the minimum bitrate & encoder settings needed to achieve visually lossless quality, you would run something like the following:

./permutor-cli -e h264_nvenc -s 4k-60.y4m -c -b 10 -m 100

In this example, the tool will iterate over all possible encoder settings for h264_nvenc, at bitrates between [10, 15, 20, ..., 100 Mb/s], until visually lossless output quality is found (video encode having a vmaf score >= 95).

When the tool detects that you've hit a 95 vmaf score, it will stop permuting. In the above example, the tool would stop permuting once it gets to 50Mb/s because we know that's the point where you get visually lossless 4K@60 with H264_NVENC, and any higher amount of bitrate does not significantly improve quality and can actually reduce encoder performance.

Running on a specific GPU in a multi-GPU system

By default, the permutor-cli tool will run against the first GPU in your system that it sees.

Much like how the benchmark tool allows for you to select what GPU to run on, the permutor-cli tool does this as well. With this tool it's as simple as providing the -gpu 0 option, where 0 in this case would run against your first GPU.

Note: if you are not sure which GPU is considered in the first slot, open the benchmark and it'll list the order of your cards for you.

SSD Read Speed Requirements

Here's the sequential read speeds you'll need to benchmark specific resoultion & fps combos. If your SSD is not fast enough, your maximum fps scores will be lower due to i/o bottlenecking.

(Target)   (Sequential Read in MB/s)
720@60              85
720@120             165
1080@60             190
1080@120            375
2k@60               340
2k@120              680
4k@60               750
4k@120              1100

Feature Requests, Bugs or Issues

The author plans to add more encoder support, run the benchmark on a wide variety of hardware, and much much more. However, if you have an idea or feature you would like this tool to have, feel free to create an issue in the repository and the various contributors will get back to you.

This also applies to issues that you might find with existing features.

Screenshots or log file uploads are much appreciated!


This project welcomes any and all contributors! Especially those interested in adding Linux support. Feel free to assign issues to yourself, start discussions, or reach out to the author in his Discord server here.

Rust Version

Project is written in Rust, with version 1.73.0 at time of writing.

RustRover IDE (suggested by Author)

The author uses RustRover for most of his Rust development, although you're more than welcome to use other IDE's.

Setting up automatic formatting via rustfmt in RustRover

It's suggested that you setup automatic formatting in RustRover to avoid the rustfmt job failing and blocking your PR.

Go to Settings -> Languages and Frameworks -> Rust -> Rustfmt, and enable Use Rustfmt instead of the build-in formatter and Run Rustfmt automatically on Save.


Visual Studio Code

You can also use VSCode if you want when contributing to the project. Make sure you have the plugin rust-analyzer which seems to already have a built-in formatter for rust.

Just make sure you enable formatting on save via Settings -> Search for 'format' -> toggle 'Editor: Format On Save'


Building the Entire Tool Locally and Running

Sometimes the terminal in your IDE may not render the results the best, so you may want to run a full permutation/benchmark in the background. Here's how to build the tool and do just that.

  1. Run cargo build --release to generate the binaries
  2. Run ./target/release/permutor-cli or ./target/release/benchmark respectively (adjust with .exe for Windows)

Adding Support for New Encoders

To help with onboarding new encoders/vendors (and know how existing ones are supported), here is a step-by-step guide to adding support for a new encoder:

Adding in CLI Support for the Encoder

This will make the cli tool aware of the new encoder.

  1. Add a new entry into the file cli/src/ matching the string of the encoder= argument usually provided to ffmpeg, i.e. h264_nvenc is the string used by ffmpeg to use the Nvidia H264 encoder
  2. Add a new entry into the file codecs/src/ and update any references to the Vendor in the project to use the newly added one (named whatever matches the vendor/manufacturer of the GPU/CPU), i.e. Nvidia, AMD, etc.
  3. Update a method called get_vendor_for_codec that maps the ffmpeg encoder= string to the new Vendor that was added, in codecs/src/
  4. Add a new method in permutor-cli/src/ that will be used to init the encoder's permutation (see any of the existing methods at the bottom).
  5. Update the main method in permutor-cli/src/ to now call your newly added init() method depending on the vendor
  6. Update Supported Encoders section of the readme for full transparency of the supported encoders

Implementing the Permutation Engine for the Encoder

Now that the cli tool is aware of the new encoder, we still need to add in some custom logic for building ffmpeg arguments specific to this encoder. We'll do that now.

  1. Add a new file, properly named based on your encoder, under codecs/src (feel free to copy any of the other files)
  2. Using what options you see from ffmpeg -h encoder=encoder_name, fill out the various structs of data
  3. Update the methods that build the permutations, including ones that provide a standardized ffmpeg permutation (this is what would be used by the benchmark portion of this tool)

Checklist for Fully Functional Implementation

These things should be checked to make sure that the newly added encoder works as designed:

  1. All permutations should run w/o consistent failures (to check for any ffmpeg errors when trying to run a permutation)
  2. Verify that the new encoder can correctly generate a VMAF score by using the -c flag
  3. You have set (even if a placeholder) a benchmark encoding permutation to use
  4. Verify that you are able to run a benchmark for your given newly added encoder
  5. Verify your new encoder also works when decoding as part of the benchmark run (just in case) via the -d argument
  6. As part of running permutations, determining the bitrate that provides lossless quality for a given resolution is important. After running through bitrate permutations (by using -m and providing a bitrate maximum range to test with). Once you know a good bitrate for a specific encoder/resolution, you'll want to add that mapping into the encoder's file function get_resolution_to_bitrate_map

Deciding What Arguments to Use for Benchmarking Tool

Since the benchmark part of this project is intended to maximize FPS performance, you'll want to hand-select the best performing encoder arguments based on running full permutations on your encoder.

An example of what the author did for the nvenc_h264 encoder:

  1. Ran a full permutation of all available nvenc_h264 encoder settings, producing an output file of statistics
  2. Identified a handful (usually there's not just 1) of encoder setting permutations that produces the highest fps
  3. Those encoder settings are then set as the default benchmark settings


Error about unsupported feature

If you are getting the following: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel, this should be fixable by running cargo clean.


A tool to benchmark your hardware's real-time video encoding capabilities.







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