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Proton VPN GTK app

Copyright (c) 2023 Proton AG

This repository holds the Proton VPN GTK app. For licensing information see COPYING and LICENSE. For contribution policy see CONTRIBUTING.


The Proton VPN GTK app is intended for every Proton VPN service user, it provides full access to all functionalities available to authenticated users, with the user signup process handled on the website.


Once you've cloned this repo, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

to clone the necessary submodule.


You can get the latest stable release from our Proton VPN official website.


For development purposes (within a virtual environment) see the required packages in the file, under install_requires and extra_require. As of now these packages will not be available on pypi. Also see Virtual environment below.

Virtual environment

If you didn't do it yet, to be able to pip install Proton VPN components you'll need to set up our internal Python package registry. You can do so running the command below, after replacing {GITLAB_TOKEN} with your personal access token with the scope set to api.

pip config set global.index-url https://__token__:{GITLAB_TOKEN}@{GITLAB_INSTANCE}/api/v4/groups/{GROUP_ID}/-/packages/pypi/simple

You can create the virtual environment and install the rest of dependencies as follows:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

GUI application

App logs are stored under ~/.cache/Proton/VPN/logs/ directory.

User settings are under ~/.config/Proton/VPN/ directory.

Folder structure

Folder "debian"

Contains all debian related data, for easy package compilation.

Folder "rpmbuild"

Contains all rpm/fedora related data, for easy package compilation.

Folder "proton/app/gtk"

This folder contains the gtk app source code.

Folder "tests"

This folder contains unit/integrations test code.

You can run the integration tests with:

behave tests/integration/features

On headless systems, it's possible to run the integration tests using Xvfb (virtual framebuffer X server). On Debian-based distributions, you just have to install the xvfb package. After that, you can run the integration tests with:

xvfb-run -a behave integration_tests/features


Version matches format: [major][minor][patch]

We automate the versioning of the debian and rpm files. All versions of the application are recorded in versions.yml. To bump the version, add the following text to the top of versions.yml

version: <latest version>
time: <date> <time>
author: <your name>
email: <your email address>
urgency: low
stability: unstable
- <A description of the changes this new version contains>

Make sure you have the '---' dashes at the end of your block of text. You can use the previous entries as an example.

Finally run scripts/ This will generate a new package.spec file for rpmbuild and a new changelog file for debian.

That's it.