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The great locomotive-scroll but 100% Native, updated with Lenis to get a native but smooth scrolling experience.


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Loco(native) Scroll

Detection of elements in viewport & smooth native scrolling.
The great locomotive-scroll without Smooth Class, merged with Lenis by Studio Freight to optimize the scrolling experience and keep native scrolling. I decided to merge the best of (for me) 2 great librairies for scrolling experiences.

No more Smooth Class = no more hikacking of the scroll.

Why locomotive-scroll as base ?

Great managment and detections of everything linked to the scroll. See more.

  • In view class on scoped elements
  • JS callback to call everything you want when an element is in the viewport
  • Get the progress from the bottom to the top of each current elements (currently in the viewport)
  • Choose if the detection is repeatable or not
  • Context managment to set different options on tablet, mobile and desktop

Why add Lenis by Studio Freight ?

Native smooth scrolling without scroll hijacking. See more.

  • Performant
  • Native scrolling
  • Lightweight
  • Great for accessibility


npm install



Add the base styles to your CSS file.



With simple detection, when your element will enter in the viewport, the in-view class will be added.


<h1 data-scroll>Hey</h1>
<p data-scroll>πŸ‘‹</p>


With a bundler
import LoconativeScroll from 'loconative-scroll';

const scroll = new LoconativeScroll();
Or without
<script src="loconative-scroll.min.js"></script>
    (function () {
        var scroll = new LoconativeScroll();

Get the JS file.


With smooth scrolling.

import LoconativeScroll from 'loconative-scroll';

const scroll = new LoconativeScroll({
    smooth: true


Make it do what you want.

With methods

<section id="js-target">Come here please.</section>
import LoconativeScroll from 'loconative-scroll';

const scroll = new LoconativeScroll();
const target = document.querySelector('#js-target');


DOM data-attributes shortcuts

<a href="#mySection" data-scroll-to>Go to my section</a> 

With events

<!-- Using modularJS -->
<div data-scroll data-scroll-call="function, module, moduleID">Trigger</div>
<!-- Using jQuery events -->
<div data-scroll data-scroll-call="EVENT_NAME">Trigger</div>
<!-- Or do it your own way 😎 -->
<div data-scroll data-scroll-call="{y,o,l,o}">Trigger</div>
import LoconativeScroll from 'loconative-scroll';

const scroll = new LoconativeScroll();

scroll.on('call', (func, way, obj) => {
    // func = [function, module, moduleID]
    // way = 'enter' or 'leave'
    // obj = JS object from loconative-scroll


Instance options

Option Type Default Description
el DOMElement document Scroll container
wrapper DOMElement window Scroll wrapper, important to add a custom wrapper if you want multiple loconative-scroll in a page. The mousewheel event will be catch on it
name string 'scroll' Data attribute prefix (data-scroll-xxxx).
offset array(2) [0,0] Global in-view trigger offset : [bottom,top]
Use a string with % to use a percentage of the viewport height.
Use a numeric value for absolute pixels unit.
E.g. ["30%",0], [100,0], ["30%", 100]
repeat boolean false Repeat in-view detection.
smooth boolean true Native smooth scrolling.
initPosition object { x: 0, y: 0 } Smooth only
An object defining the initial scroll coordinates on a smooth instance. For example: { x: 0, y: 1000 }
direction string vertical Smooth only
Scroll direction: vertical or horizontal
gestureDirection string vertical Smooth only
Your gesture direction on your trackpad/magic mouse or your touch devices. vertical or horizontal
duration number 1.2 Smooth only
easing function (t) => (t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) Smooth only
scrollToEasing function (t) => (t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) Smooth only
class string is-inview Element in-view class.
initClass string has-scroll-init Initialize class.
scrollingClass string has-scroll-scrolling Is scrolling class.
smoothClass string has-scroll-smooth Has smooth scrolling class.
multiplier number 1 Smooth only
Factor applied to the scroll delta, allowing to boost/reduce scrolling speed (regardless of the platform).
firefoxMultiplier number 50 Smooth only
Boost scrolling speed of Firefox on Windows.
touchMultiplier number 3 Smooth only
Multiply touch action to scroll faster than finger movement.
scrollFromAnywhere boolean false Smooth only
By default loconative-scroll listens for scroll events only on the scroll container (el option). With this option set to true, it listens on the whole document instead.
tablet & smartphone object Object allowing to override some options for a particular context. You can specify:
  • smooth
  • direction
  • gestureDirection
For tablet context you can also define breakpoint (integer, defaults to 1190) to set the max-width breakpoint for tablets.
reloadOnContextChange boolean false Allows to reload the page when switching between desktop, tablet and smartphone contexts. It can be useful if your page changes a lot between contexts and you want to reset everything.
resetNativeScroll boolean true Sets history.scrollRestoration = 'manual' and calls window.scrollTo(0, 0) on loconative-scroll init in Native Class. Useful if you use transitions with native scrolling, otherwise we advise to set it to false if you don't want to break History API's scroll restoration feature.

Element attributes

Attribute Values Description
data-scroll Detect if in-view.
data-scroll-id string (Optional) Useful if you want to scope your element and get the progress of your element in the viewport for example.
data-scroll-container Defines the scroll container. Required for basic styling.
data-scroll-section Defines a scrollable section. Splitting your page into sections may improve performance.
data-scroll-class string Element in-view class.
data-scroll-offset string Element in-view trigger offset : bottom,top
First value is bottom offset, second (optional) is top offset.
Percent is relative to viewport height, otherwise it's absolute pixels.
E.g. "10", "100,50%", "25%, 15%"
data-scroll-repeat boolean Element in-view detection repeat.
data-scroll-call string Element in-view trigger call event.
data-scroll-position string top, bottom, left or right
Window position of in-view trigger.
data-scroll-speed number Smooth only
Element parallax speed. A negative value will reverse the direction.
data-scroll-direction string Smooth only
Element's parallax direction. vertical or horizontal
data-scroll-sticky Deprecated
Have fun and use position: sticky
data-scroll-target string Smooth only
Target element's in-view position.

Instance methods

Method Description Arguments
init() Reinitializes the scroll.
on(eventName, function) Listen instance events ⬇.
update() Updates all element positions.
destroy() Destroys the scroll events.
start() Restarts the scroll events.
stop() Stops the scroll events.
scrollTo(target, options) Scroll to a target.
target: Defines where you want to scroll. Available values types are :
  • node : a dom element
  • string : you can type your own selector, or use values "top" and "bottom" to reach scroll boundaries
  • int : An absolute scroll coordinate in pixels
options (optional, object) : Settings object. Available values are:
  • offset (integer) : Defines an offset from your target. E.g. -100 if you want to scroll 100 pixels above your target
  • duration (integer) : Defines the duration of the scroll animation in seconds.
    Smooth only
  • immediate (boolean)
    Smooth only

Instance events

Event Arguments Description
scroll obj Returns scroll instance (position, limit, speed, direction and current in-view elements).
call func Trigger if in-view. Returns your string or array if contains ,.

Progressive playing animations example (like gsap)

All data-scroll elements have a progress value. In the on scroll event you can get all current in-view elements.


<h1 data-scroll data-scroll-id="hey">Hey</h1>


scroll.on('scroll', (args) => {
    // Get all current elements : args.currentElements
    if(typeof args.currentElements['hey'] === 'object') {
        let progress = args.currentElements['hey'].progress;
        // ouput log example: 0.34
        // gsap example : myGsapAnimation.progress(progress);

How to switch from locomotive-scroll to loconative-scroll

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️
locomotive-scroll has more 37k+ downloads per month so it's impossible to manage every cases. Due to the update of the scroll system (from container translate to a native scroll) the switch will not be really seamless.
If you have multiple loconative-scroll instances in a page, don't forget to add wrapper option to catch the mousewheel on it and not on the window. Let every data-attributes and options as is. You can try to switch your projet on loconative-scroll with these following steps

npm install --save

In your Javascript, replace LocomotiveScroll instance and imports

import LoconativeScroll from 'loconative-scroll';

const scroll = new LoconativeScroll();

Make sure you remove all LS related CSS on <html> and <body>, and update your CSS :

html {
    scroll-behavior: initial;

body {
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;


Name Description
Virtual Scroll Custom scroll event with inertia/momentum.
Lenis Elements in viewport detection. Forked from it, not a dependency.

Browser support

Works on most modern browsers. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge...



The great locomotive-scroll but 100% Native, updated with Lenis to get a native but smooth scrolling experience.







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  • JavaScript 95.8%
  • SCSS 4.2%