Sadly, Twitter has removed the posting feature from it's Free API tier (and removed Essential access) so I am archiving this project as the people that can afford the API prices probally have something else to use. Currently (as of 06/17/23, with proper API keys, this Project still functions if you need it
Golang Twitter Notification Bot for Telegram
This is a bot for Telegram written in Golang, backed by a SQL database that is used for subscribing to user Tweets.
Twitter Watcher Telegram Bot
Purple Security ( 2021 - 2023
-h Print this help menu.
-f <file> Configuration file path.
-d Dump the default configuration and exit.
-clear-all Clear the database of ALL DATA before starting up.
-update Update the database schema to the latest version.
The default config can be dumped to Stdout using the '-d' command line flag.
"db": {
"host": "tcp(localhost:3306)",
"user": "watcher_user",
"password": "password",
"database": "watcher_db"
"log": {
"file": "watcher.log",
"level": 2
"blocked": [],
"allowed": [],
"twitter": {
"consumer_key": "",
"consumer_secret": ""
"timeouts": {
"web": 15000000000,
"resolve": 21600000000000,
"backoff": 250000000,
"database": 60000000000,
"telegram": 15000000000
"telegram_key": ""