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Releases: PythonistaGuild/TwitchIO


25 Jun 02:27
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This release contains some bug fixes and Eventsub additions. TinyTag has been added as a sound ext dependancy to properly determine channel/sample rate data from sound files.

View the changelog here.


21 Mar 16:46
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Small bug fix to actually fix the eventsub bad frame reconnect


17 Mar 14:51
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  • Fixed a crash in ext.eventsub with a bad assertion
  • Fixed a crash in ext.eventsub when a known bad frame is received
  • Fixed event_token_expired refreshed tokens not applying to request that called the hook
  • Added PartialUser.fetch_moderated_channels
  • Added PartialUser.fetch_ad_schedule
  • Added PartialUser.snooze_ad
  • Added PartialUser.fetch_user_emotes


08 Oct 17:34
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This is a bugfix release for ext.commands raising an internal error when using internal converters.


19 Sep 15:49
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This is a bugfix for a proccessing issue in get_context when no command exists.


19 Sep 06:15
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Welcome to the last feature release of TwitchIO V2!

This will be the last release with new features for the current development cycle of TwitchIO. Beyond this release, we will continue to make releases for bugfixes and new twitch changes to existing features (or notable/important features). However, we will no longer be developing new library features for V2 as we go full tilt into development on V3.

Additions in version 2.8:

  • Added new follower/followed endpoints on PartialUser. You will need to migrate to these as Twitch is removing the old follow endpoints.
  • Added is_featured parameter for PartialUser.fetch_clips, and attribute for Clip model
  • Added support for the following typing constructs in ext.commands command signatures:
    • Union[A, B] / A | B
    • Optiona[T] / T | None
    • Annotated[T, converter]
  • Added a walkthrough of command creation in the docs.

P.S. We fixed the ReadTheDocs config file, so you'll actually get doc builds this time.


17 Aug 00:30
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Version 2.7

version 2.7 brings some long awaited features, such as websocket support for eventsub, and content classification labels.
We've also squashed some more bugs, and added other new twitch features.
Here's a short list of major changes:

  • Added PartialUser.fetch_charity_campaigns and charity donate events to eventsub.
  • Added new parameters to PartialUser.modify_stream for is_branded_content and content_classification_labels.
  • Fixed CustomReward.edit to be able to enable the reward.
  • Added two new events: event_notice and event_raw_notice for notice events from IRC.
  • Added Message.hype_chat_data for messages that contain hype chat information.
  • Fixed a reconnect loop when the IRC server sent a RECONNECT message.
  • Bumped [speed] and [sound] deps to latest versions.
  • Updated the HTTPException message to provide useful information instead of generic errors

And more! See the full changelog:


19 Mar 21:33
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This release has various additions and bug fixes for the core lib and the eventsub + pubsub exts.

These release notes are simply a brief. To view the full changelog, visit

General additions:

  • Added shield mode support to PartialUser and eventsub
  • Added followed streams support to PartialUser
  • Added shoutout support to PartialUser and eventsub
  • Added type arg to Client.fetch_streams
  • Added support for ciso8601 when installed
  • Added speed flag to install available c-based speedups: pip install twitchio[speed]
  • Added support for follows V2 in eventsub. This is the main way to subscribe to follow events now.
  • Added auth_fail_hook and reconnect_hook to PubSubPool

Bug fixes:

  • PartialUser.fetch_bits_leaderboard not handling started_at arg properly.
  • Fix auto-reconnect logic of IRC websocket
  • implicitly remove newlines in chat messages
  • fixed RECONNECT event in pubsub websocket


  • EventSubClient.subscribe_channel_follows. Use EventSubClient.subscribe_channel_follows_v2


31 Oct 21:37
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This release makes changes to the entirety of the library. For change notes, please see the 2.5.0 section of the changelog


06 Aug 22:38
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TwitchIO 2.4 brings a huge set of changes! We've implemented new endpoints, squashed tons of bugs, and fixed up the eventsub ext.

Here's some bug fixes:

  • Added self.registered_callbacks = {} to Client.from_client_credentials
  • Allow empty or missing initial_channels to trigger Client.event_ready
  • Corrected CustomRewardRedemption.fulfill endpoint typo and creation
  • Corrected CustomRewardRedemption.refund endpoint typo and creation
  • Changed Client.join_channels logic to handle bigger channel lists better
  • Corrected Predictor slots and user keys, repr has also been added
  • Updated IRC parser to not strip colons from beginning of messages
  • Updated IRC parser to not remove multiple spaces when clumped together
  • Fixed Client.start exiting immediately (YES, this means Client.start works properly now!)
  • Chatters will now update correctly when someone leaves chat
  • Fixed a crash when twitch sends a RECONNECT notice

We've added all the moderation endpoints, the new send_whisper endpoint (although this isn't very reliable, just like normal whispers).
Added Client.fetch_channels to allow fetching of more than one channel with a single API call.

Eventsub ext:

  • Added "Gift Subscriptions" subscriptions for gifting other users Subs
  • Added Re-subscription Message subscriptions for Resub messages
  • Added EventSubClient.delete_all_active_subscriptions for convenience
  • Created an Eventsub-specific CustomReward model

And more!

As always, check out the full changelist at