QloApp 1.5.2
Added Features:
- #240: Updated TCPDF library
- #242: Changes for PHP7 compatibility
- #243: Removed pclzip library
- #244: Removed pear JSON lib instead use PHP JSON library
- #245: Updated swift mailer
- #246: Updated htmlpurifier
- #247: Updated Smarty library
- #249: Updated Sql Parser Library
- #250: Updated Pear and Archive tar library
- #267: Removed mysql support, pdomysql now required
- #269: Replaced mcrypt with openssl
- #272: Changed default DB prefix to qlo_
- #276: Paypal and PaypalUSA module removed
- #290: Updated path for including css and js in modules | Moved plugins to core js folder
- #299: Added composer.json file
Front Office:
Back Office
Bug Fixed:
- #238: Update date format in invoice according to format provided in language
- #253: Using room status as constants instead in values
- #270: Using room availability status as constants instead in values
- #273: Fixed date format for additional facilities in invoice
- #281: Resolved smarty html comments issue.
- #283: Invalid value inserted in 'special_days' field in htl_room_type_feature_pricing table through API
- #284: Resolved: No validation for the fields in 'hotel_refund_rules' API for add and update.
- #285: Resolved: No validation for the fields in 'hotel_features' API for add and update
- #286: Validations added for 'password' and 'email' fields for the 'employees' API.
- #287: Resolved fatal error while generating class index file
- #288: Resolved: No validation for field 'id_parent in' in 'categories' API.
- #289: Validations added to the fields of "bookings" API for POST / PUT API requests
- #307: Cart and Order API Issues resolved
- #312: Text issues solved
- #321: Fixed QloApps installation issues
- #324: Resolved compatibility issue with php5.6
Back Office:
- #255: Fixed filter by Due amount results in "Bad SQL query"
- #259: Fixed room reallocation availability list for temporary unavailable rooms
- #256: Fixed Swap rooms leads to reservations duplications
- #251: Removed unused options from images controller
- #271: Fixed syntax issue in admin information cont
- #275: Resolve order total update issue on additional facilities update
- #282: Order refund states 'Refunded' and 'Denied' should not enabled together from render list
- #293: Add profile access restriction when adding room types
- #294: Resolve order edit issues, Added hooks in order edit process
- #303: In 'Manage Hotel' Controller, validation added for 'check-out time must be before check in'
- #304, #315: Text change.
- #318: Resolve multiple rooms addition issue on AdminOrdersController
- #320: Resolved new room features automatically mapping to all the room types
Front Office:
- #252: Update function getRoomBookingData
- #268: Update blockrss module
- #277: In _DB_PREFIX__orders table column advance_paid_amount value is wrong
- #280: Wrong amount displayed in Order confirmation page in the payment gateways PaymentReturn Hook
- #291: Resolved: Wrong price return by advance payment functions in HotelAdvancedPayment class
- #295: Resolve DNI field issue during guest checkout
- #298, #274: QloApps text changes
- #300: Room amenities name shown with feature icon in room type details page
- #301: Unused CSS file htl-reservation-general.css and its classes are removed
- #302: Resolved: On translating page checking and checkout dates are changed to NaN-NaN-NaN
- #305: Resolve tab design issue on room type detail page
- #317: Resolve jQZoom issue on room type detail page
- #319: Resolved smarty minify HTML issue