A python and C software package for detection and location of seismic events using a coherency and coalescence based technique. The advatages over other software packages is the generation of several visual outputs and infromation. The simple initiation scripts and examples help the user to define parameters for any seismological situation. The modular and open-source nature of the software package allows for the continued development from many instiutations and research groups.
To be added shortly ...
... Attach Jupyter Notebook with example ...
- ObsPy - Python framework for processing seismological data
- scikit-fmm - Python extension module which implements the fast marching method
- NumPy - NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
- SciPy - Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering
Please contact lead authors for corresponding collaboration.
- Jonathan Smith - Project Leaders - Induced Seismicity, Geomechanics and Mitigating Geohazard Link
- Tom Hudson - Project Leaders - Glacioseismology and Icedyanmics Link
- Tom Winder - Project Leaders - Volcanoseismology and Earthquake Triggering Link
Future contributors will be added to this list.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.