These activities were developed for use with teachers in Quarknet Coding Camps and center workshops, so they're less scaffolded than what we might typically use with students. You can run the notebooks in Google Colab (requires a Google login, though) or you can install Anaconda to run Jupyter locally on your computer. To download a notebook and run in locally, right-click or command-click the download link and select "save link as".
Expand by Topic
Star Brightness and Energy: Identify possible relationships between the brightness of a star and it's energy. Open in Colab or download
Star Catalogue: Find patterns of stellar charateristics in a huuuge dataset, unscaffolded. Open in Colab or download.
Star Locations: Analyze a huge collection of Hipparcos, Yale Bright Star, and Gliese catalogues and learn how to plot constellations Open in Colab or download
Sunspots: Analyze sunspot and solar observation data to discover patterns in the sun's activity Open in Colab or download
- Elements: Analyze trends in the properties of elements Open in Colab or download
- Global Temperatures: Analyze temperature data from NASA's GISTEMP Open in Colab or download
- Quakes: Plot USGS Earthqake data to discover plate boundries Open in Colab or download
- Quakes: Plot USGS Earthqake data to discover plate boundries (v2)Open in Colab or download
- Sea Levels: Analyze sea level data off of Key West, FL with scatterplots. Open in Colab or download
- Tides: Discover patterns in tidal data. Open in Colab or download
- Intro to Data Camp: Learn about doing math in Python and Markdown Formatting in Colab. Open in Colab or download
- Intro to Colab: Learn about Python variables, strings, and Markdown in Colab. Structured for new coders. Open in Colab or download
- Quick Intro to Colab: Similar to the above notebook, but at a faster pace. Open in Colab or download
- Ifs & Loops: Investigate If, Elif, Else logical flow, For and While loops in Python Open in Colab or download
- Fixing Errors: Try your hand at fixing some common errors that will occur as you code. Open in Colab or download
- Fixing Errors (Solutions): Solutions to the Fixing Errors Notebook. Open in Colab or download
- B-field Variation: Analyze data from mobile app using Natasha Holmes' t' analysis. Open in Colab or download.
- Falcon 9 Rocket Data: Use a live video from a Falcon 9 Launch to learn about kinematics and calculus. Open in Colab or download.
- Mass on a Spring: Determine the spring constant of a spring, and fit a theoretical model to experimental data. Open in Colab or download.
- Pendulum Analysis: Analyze the variables in a pendulum. Open in Colab or download.
- Position vs Time Graphs: Using equations and creating different graphs Open in Colab or download
- Position vs Time Graphs - Extended: Using Equations of Motion to create graphs and creating motion graphs from imported data Open in Colab or download
- Projectile in air: Model a projectile with air resistance using Euler's method. Open in Colab or download.
- Velocity vs Time Graphs: Using equations and creating different graphs Open in Colab or download
- Muon Mass: Intro to relativistic kinematics and E=mc2 with data from CERN. Open in Colab or download.
- Plotting CMS Data: Visualize dimuon events in CMS and look for patterns. Open in Colab or download.
- Leptonic Decays: Identify particles with mass reconstruction using CERN data. Open in Colab or download.
- Muon Tracks: Analyze tracker data from muons in CMS. Open in Colab or download.
- Muon Tracks with Machine Learning: Repeat the muon tracks analysis with several machine learing techniques. Open in Colab or download.
- Basic Stats: Read in a data file, and obtain basic statistical values on the dataset. Open in Colab or download.
- Penny Mass Plot: Use a histogram of penny masses to determine changes in composition. Open in Colab or download
- Probability: Guided review of creating data and plotting a histogram Open in Colab or download
- Wrapping Paper: Introduction to Colab and Python using Volume & Surface Area. Open in Colab or download
- Reading from a file Open in Colab or download.
- Math with tabular data: Open a data file, add a new column, and fill a new column with calculated values. Open in Colab or download.
- Descriptive statistics and a histogram: Open a data file, view descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, median, counts), and visualize the distribution with a histogram. Open in Colab or download.
- Errorbars: Make plots with errorbars. Open in Colab or download.
- Model fitting: Add a trendline or curve to a set of data. Open in Colab or download.
- Monte Carlo: Embrace randomness to find the area under a curve without explicitly calculating an integral. Open in Colab or download.
- Phyphox Scaffold: A Work in Progress scaffolded notebook for importing csv and zip files into Colab from Phyphox. Open in Colab or download.
Suggested notebooks to use in coding camp or a center workshop.
Intro to Colab: Learn about Python variables, strings, and Markdown in Colab. Structured for new coders. Open in Colab or download
Ifs & Loops: Investigate If, Elif, Else logical flow, For and While loops in Python Open in Colab or download
Probability: Generate random dice rolls and make histograms. Open in Colab or download.
Position vs Time Graphs - Extended: Using Equations of Motion to create graphs and creating motion graphs from imported data Open in Colab or download
- Intro to Jupyter: start here if you haven't used a Juypter notebook before. Open in Colab or download.
- Probability: Generate random dice rolls and make histograms. Open in Colab or download.
- Projectile in air: Model a projectile with air resistance using Euler's method. Open in Colab or download.
- Muon Mass: Intro to relativistic kinematics and E=mc2 with data from CERN. Open in Colab or download.
- Star Catalogue: Find patterns of stellar charateristics in a huuuge dataset, unscaffolded. Open in Colab or download.
- Plotting CMS Data: Visualize dimuon events in CMS and look for patterns. Open in Colab or download.
Data Viz: Plot a function with linspace and customize plots with pyplot and mpls' object-oriented interface and define a function. Open in Colab or download.
B-field Variation: Analyze data from mobile app using Natasha Holmes' t' analysis. Open in Colab or download.
Muon Tracks: Analyze tracker data from muons in CMS. Open in Colab or download.
Muon Tracks with Machine Learning: Repeat the muon tracks analysis with several machine learing techniques. Open in Colab or download.
- Intro to Data Camp: Learn about doing math in Python and Markdown Formatting in Colab. Open in Colab or download
- Probability: Guided review of creating data and plotting a histogram Open in Colab
- Position vs Time Graphs: Using equations and creating different graphs Open in Colab or download
- Muon Mass: Less detailed instructions for pulling a dataset, manipulating the data and graphing results with physics knowledge required Open in Colab
- Star Catalogue: Least detailed instruction for pulling data and creating a graph Open in Colab or download.
- Leptonic Decays: Identify particles with mass reconstruction using CERN data. Open in Colab or download.
- Intro to Data Camp: Learn about doing math in Python and Markdown Formatting in Colab. Open in Colab or download
- Probability: Guided review of creating data and plotting a histogram Open in Colab
- Position vs Time Graphs: Using equations and creating different graphs Open in Colab or download
- Projectile in air: Model a projectile with air resistance using Euler's method. Open in Colab or download.
- Quakes: Plot USGS Earthqake data to discover plate boundries Open in Colab or download
- Global Temperatures: Analyze temperature data from NASA's GISTEMP Open in Colab or download
- Tides: Discover patterns in tidal data. Open in Colab or download
- Star Brightness and Energy: Identify possible relationships between the brightness of a star and it's energy. Open in Colab or download
- Pendulum Analysis: Analyze the variables in a pendulum. Open in Colab or download.
- Muon Mass: Less detailed instructions for pulling a dataset, manipulating the data and graphing results with physics knowledge required Open in Colab
- Intro to Data Camp: Learn about doing math in Python and Markdown Formatting in Colab. Open in Colab or download
- Probability: Guided review of creating data and plotting a histogram Open in Colab
- Position vs Time Graphs: Using equations and creating different graphs Open in Colab or download
- Projectile in air: Model a projectile with air resistance using Euler's method. Open in Colab or download.
- Quakes: Plot USGS Earthqake data to discover plate boundries Open in Colab or download
- Global Temperatures: Analyze temperature data from NASA's GISTEMP Open in Colab or download
- Tides: Discover patterns in tidal data. Open in Colab or download
- Star Brightness and Energy: Identify possible relationships between the brightness of a star and it's energy. Open in Colab or download
- Pendulum Analysis: Analyze the variables in a pendulum. Open in Colab or download.
- Muon Mass: Less detailed instructions for pulling a dataset, manipulating the data and graphing results with physics knowledge required Open in Colab
- Penny Mass Plot: Use a histogram of penny masses to determine changes in composition. Open in Colab or download
- Leptonic Decays: Identify particles with mass reconstruction using CERN data. Open in Colab or download.
The development and implementation of these materials and workshop were additionally funded by generous support from IRIS-HEP, the Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics.