Fundamental particles and collisions
Side and end views of the detector and how to identify electrons, muons, and hadrons
Identify which sort of particle (electron, muon, hadron) is present in 9 events
Z boson production and decay into electrons, muons, taus, and quarks with example events of each
Identify 10 Z decays
Production and decay of W bosons and how to identify the decays (with example events of each):
- both Ws decay to quark and antiquark
- both Ws decay to lepton and neutrino (just one type of lepton shown)
- one W decays to lepton and neutrino and the other to quark and antiquark (examples for e, mu, and tau)
Identify 10 W decays
20 total of both Z and WW events mixed together: which are which?
- High Energy Photons in Events Containing a Particle-Antiparticle Pair
- High Energy Gluons in Events Containing a Quark-Antiquark Pair
- "Four Fermion" Events
Identify 8 events from all types seen up to now
1000 Z events
- identify if they are electron, muon, tau, or quark Events
- determine BR (need know and apply acceptance factors)
Note: actually there are more than 1000 events as 622, 961, and 990 appear twice with 2 different events each
479 events of WW and Z (where photons are produced)
- identify if WW or Z event
- if WW then determine (WW to l nu qq):(WW to qqqq) and (WW to l nu l nu):(WW to qqqq)
Note: there are 3 events missing (200, 441, and 450)
If you want to run this locally (in a python 3 environment):
git clone [email protected]:QuarkNet-HEP/opal-masterclass.git
cd opal-masterclass
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
Then go to
in your browser.