This is the map of prediksicovidjatim, built with Arcgis Wep Appbuilder Developer Edition. The only reason this is made with the developer edition is just because it's not possible to make time slider for exactly one point of time with the normal web edition.
PCovidJatim is a webmap of forecast of COVID-19 spread in East Java. The data is obtained from the East Java government. It is then used to fit a SEICRD model with lmfit. The +30 days forecast of the model and the actual data are then mapped into a time aware webmap made with ArcGIS Online using its Python API. The webmap is loaded in an Arcgis Online web app and then loaded in the website in an iframe. In addition to the map, the website also offers the model scores and plots. Every day, a worker checks the data source for new data and update the forecast and map if any. Every few days, a worker re-fit the model and update the forecast and map. They're all hosted in heroku.
The site is available here:
The paper is available here:
The site source code is available here:
The core module is made as a pip installable package and is available here:
The web app is made with Arcgis Online Web AppBuilder Developer Edition. It is only a little bit modified to adjust the time slider. The source code is available here:
The worker source code is available here:
Notebooks used in development is available here: