This repo contains umbrella helm chart to install embedding model nim-embed for creating embeddings to store in VDB and one of the following LLM:
- llama3.1-70b-instruct-4bit
- nim llama3.1-8b-instruct(16 bit quantization).
- Create target namespace to install on it all models.
oc new-project agent-morpheus-models
- Type in your NGC_API_KEY ( get one here)
export NGC_API_KEY=your_api_key_goes_here
- Replace placeholder password with your real API Key
sed -E 's/ \&ngc-api-key changeme/ \&ngc-api-key '$NGC_API_KEY'/' agent-morpheus-models/values.yaml > agent-morpheus-models/yourenv_values.yaml
- Deploying both LLMs together is not possible, when trying doing so, you'll get an error from the chart installation:
helm install --set llama3_1_70b_instruct_4bit.enabled=true --set nim_llm.enabled=true agent-morpheus-models agent-morpheus-models/ -f agent-morpheus-models/yourenv_values.yaml
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: execution error at (agent-morpheus-models/templates/configmap.yaml:6:3): Only one of models should be deployed!, either llama3_1_70b_instruct_4bit or nim_llm 8b, but not both!
- Deploy the chart with one of the two possible combinations:
# Deploy with LLM llama3.1-70b-instruct-4bit
helm install agent-morpheus-models agent-morpheus-models/ -f agent-morpheus-models/yourenv_values.yaml
# Or Deploy with LLM meta/llama3.1-8b-instruct ( 16bit quantization)
helm install --set llama3_1_70b_instruct_4bit.enabled=false --set nim_llm.enabled=true agent-morpheus-models agent-morpheus-models/ -f agent-morpheus-models/yourenv_values.yaml
NAME: agent-morpheus-models
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Dec 8 23:05:14 2024
NAMESPACE: test-models
STATUS: deployed
Send a prompt to the model to test it works:
oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l component=llama3.1-70b-instruct --timeout 1000s
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/agent-morpheus-models/files/70b-4bit-input-example.json | jq .
- Wait for LLM pod to be ready, and then send an example request to the LLM, in order to get output
oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l component=llama3.1-70b-instruct --timeout 1000s
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/agent-morpheus-models/files/70b-4bit-input-example.json | jq .
- Whenever finishing with models , and wants to free up resources, you can delete the chart
helm uninstall agent-morpheus-models