A recipe search program that uses Python and the Edamam API to find and print recipes according to the user's chosen ingredient(s) and other search criteria, including preferred cuisine type (e.g. British, Italian, Indian), dietary requirements (e.g. vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free), and maximum calories.
This project was presented alongside ioanatovirnac and CamilleBarbit as part of our final group project for the Code First Girls 8-week Introduction to Python Programming course.
Requirement: Sign up at Edamam API for app id and key.
Update: I revisited the project code again in December 2021, to fix some bugs and improve functionality.
Example output based on user responses:
Example txt file if user opts to save shopping list:
Note: The code is now working without errors, although when choosing a recipe to cook, there appears to be a issue with the API in that certain recipes do not print out. In that case, choose another recipe to print.