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donald-uren edited this page Aug 16, 2020 · 1 revision



  • Register
  • Login
  • View services and availability of workers
  • View details of a worker
  • View their own information/details
    • Is customer info public/available to workers?
  • Edit their own information/details
  • Cancel a booking (48 hours prior)
  • View their own booking history
    • Sort or filter?


  • Login (can they register?)
  • add a new worker
    • Information
    • Service
    • Hours
  • edit an existing worker
    • Information
    • Service
    • Hours
  • view summary of past bookings
  • new booking - What does this mean?
    • New booking for a customer?
  • View worker availability (for next 7 days)


  • Login
  • Username and password provided by admin
    • Should they be able to update password?
  • View their profile
  • View their assigned working hours/dates
  • View their assigned services


  • Home page
  • About us page
  • Contact us page
  • Login page
  • Logout button
  • Customer signup page (only customers?)
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