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Provides a local REST endpoint/proxy to display booksy reviews on your website circumnavigating their CORS policy

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booksy CORS proxy

Provides a local REST API endpoint (domain/api/booksyreviews/businessID) to retrieve and display booksy reviews on your website circumnavigating their CORS policy

For most of these "production ready" examples your encpoint for retreiving the reviews will be the following where businessID is a 6 digit number (see bottom of README for more details):


However the package is set up so that in the case this is used/integrated with another flask app this application will be behind the root path "/borev_api" therefore your reviews will be found under


Also has a healthcheck endpoint for use with docker and or loadbalancers/reverse proxies.


This is not what is going on in the Quickstart production docker-compose example, the reverse proxy takes care of of routing the /api path in that situation (mechanics of reverse proxy routing can be seen under sample/ex-conf/httpd-vhosts.conf). More information about dispatching under different root path:

Install package

  • From source

    • without packaging
    git clone
    cd booksyCORSproxy 
    pip install -e booksyAPI
    • with packaging (requires build module: pip install build) :
    git clone
    cd booksyCORSproxy/booksyAPI
    python -m build
    pip install dist/booksyAPI-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • From download release/package:

    pip install booksyAPI-1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Environment Variables

production / mandatory

  • SECRET_KEY: used for encryption, NEEDS to be changed to a random 24 byte string - can use following command to generate a random key : python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'

    • can alse be declared as a docker build argument:
    docker build --build-arg SECRET_KEY=xxSUPERSECRETxx -t booksyCORSproxy
  • SERVER_NAME: (default:None-Needs to be set) used to set our own CORS policy during production. Use URL endpoint of website you intend to use this on eg. ""

  • BOOKSYAPI_PROXY: (True/False - default: false) - Will this be behind a reverse proxy?

  • TLS: (TRUE/FALSE/mutual-default:false)

    • true = what you think of when you think TLS/HTTPS, will use certificate & key passed in from a rootCA (letsencrypt)
    • mutual = zero confidence system where the server validates the client as well, the only difference here is you need to provide the rootCA cert
    • in addition you will need to provide
      • TLS_CERT: (default: docker secret named site.crt) location of signed certificate
      • TLS_KEY: (default: docker secret named site.key) location of private key
      • ROOTCA_CERT: (default: docker secret named root.crt) only required for mTLS, location of the root CA certificate

development / optional

  • MODE: (optional-production/development-default:production) - Mainly used to set our own CORS settings
  • ROOT_PATH: (optional-default:boorev_api) - Unless you are integrating with another flask app you dont need to worry about this
  • LOGLVL: (optional-debug/info/warning/error/critical) the log level for flask and gunicorn
  • DEBUG_USEEXAMPLEREVIEWS: (optional-True/Flase default:false) - when set to true will ONLY retrieve local example reviews (located in sample/samplereviews.txt ) usefull if you plan on working in a live environment constantly reloading/refreshing and therefore repeatedly requesting the same data from booksy but don't want to hit their request limits/raise suspicion
  • SERVERCONFIG_BINDADDR: (optional-default: - what interface/address to bind to - local only: , all interfaces:
  • SERVERCONFIG_PORT: (optional-default:5000) - what port to work on
  • SERVERCONFIG_WORKERS: (optional- default:20) - amount of worker threads
  • SERVERCONFIG_ERRORLOG: (optional - default: stdout) - error log location
  • SERVERCONFIG_ACCESSLOG: (not fully implemented) (optional - default: stdout) - access log location- will log to stdout but can set to file or syslog ref:
  • any additional command line argument settings gunicorn takes ( can simple be appended to the environment variable GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS

How/Where do I set environment variables?

Linux/iOS: Windows powershell: Windows cmd: (ana)conda: Docker:
export name=val $env:name=val set name=val conda env config vars set NAME='val' name=val
export LOGLVL=DEBUG $env:FLASK_ENV ="production" BOOKSYAPI_PROXY=True conda env config vars set SECRET_KEY='12345678' booksyProxy.env

Quickstart production docker-compose example

A sample/demo of how to use/integrate with website behind a reverse proxy

Creates a local website behind a reverseProxy that displays the reviews it retrieves from

  1. Set/Create DNS record to resolve domain (sample to the IP of the machine you are running this on
  2. Change environment variables in sample/booksyProxy.env to liking
  3. cd samples
    docker-compose up -d 

NOTE: you must create/get your own ssl cert and use it in the reverse proxy container. This sample uses a self signed ssl cert that is publicly available and not for your domain


Exposes following endpoint where you can GET reviews


  • Docker run

    1. Build image (choose one)

      • remote Dockerfile (most up to date)
        •   docker build -t booksyproxy/mydomain:1.0  
      • Local Dockerfie
        •   docker build . -t booksyproxy/mydomain:1.0  
    2. Run image

      • Remember: set the appropriate env vars in docker run command
      docker run -d -e BOOKSYAPI_PROXY=False -e -e SECRET_KEY=123456789CHANGETHIS -p 5000:5000 booksyproxy/mydomain:1.0
  • docker-compose

      git clone

    Set environment variables in sample/booksyProxy.env

      cd sample 
      docker-compose up -d  
  • Module

    1. set mandatory env vars
    2. install package
      pip install -e booksyAPI
    3. start server
      python -m booksyCORSproxy 
  • Wheel package

    1. set mandatory env vars
    2. create wheel package
      cd booksyAPI
      python -m build
    3. install wheel package
      pip install dist/booksyCORSproxy-1.1-py3-none-any.whl
    4. Start Server
      python -m booksyCORSproxy


  1. set (enviornment) variables

  2.  pip install -e booksyAPI
  3. run the pacakge/module

    • Using Flask (any of the following will work)
      •   flask --app booksyAPI run 
        • as long as you don't have another flask application running you can set environment variable FLASK_APP=booksyAPI and following will work
      •   flask run 
      •   python bookyAPI/booksyAPI/
    • Using gunicorn (any of the following will work)
      •   python -m booksyCORSproxy
      •   gunicorn --bind= booksyAPI:app 

Booksy Business Refrence/ID Number

  1. Navigate to business on
  2. Open chrome/firefox inspector (right click >> Inspect)
    1. Go to Network tab
    2. Find entry "?reviews_page=1&reviews_per_page=20"
      • Yellow box in following refrernce pic
    3. Get 6 digit refrence from request URL:

Refrence Picture


  • Allow other integrattions such as mod_wsgi for production and/or development
  • create a (polling) cache so that a request isn't made for every visitor

Revision log

1.0 Initial release, needed to set businessID as environment variable, used waitress
1.1 Switched to gunicorn that allowed support for (m)TLS and made the endpoint accept a business ID but (can still set default businessID using environment variable), updated packaging


Provides a local REST endpoint/proxy to display booksy reviews on your website circumnavigating their CORS policy






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