RTEMS is a real-time executive (kernel) which provides a high performance environment for embedded applications with the following features:
- Standards based user interfaces.
- Multitasking capabilities.
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous multiprocessor systems.
- Event-driven, priority-based, preemptive scheduling.
- Optional rate monotonic scheduling.
- Intertask communication and synchronisation.
- Priority inheritance.
- Responsive interrupt management.
- Dynamic memory allocation.
- High level of user configurability.
- Open source with a friendly user license.
Project git repositories are located at:
Online documentation is available at:
RTEMS Doxygen for CPUKit:
RTEMS POSIX 1003.1 Compliance Guide:
RTEMS Mailing Lists for general purpose use the users list and for developers use the devel list.
The version number for this software is indicated in the VERSION file.