This project implements a multi-level ciphering and deciphering system in Python. Users can choose between three levels of encryption and decryption, ranging from a simple shift cipher to a more complex hybrid cipher combining Vigenère and columnar transposition techniques.
- Simple Caesar cipher with a user-defined shift.
- Encrypts alphabetic characters while leaving spaces and punctuation unchanged.
- Encrypts messages using a keyword-based polyalphabetic substitution.
- Supports case sensitivity and leaves non-alphabetic characters unchanged.
- Combines the Vigenère cipher with a columnar transposition cipher.
- Requires both a keyword (for Vigenère) and a numeric key (for columnar transposition).
- Run the encryption script.
- Select the desired level (1, 2, or 3).
- Provide the required inputs:
- Level 1: Shift value.
- Level 2: Keyword.
- Level 3: Keyword (for Vigenère) and numeric key (for columnar transposition).
- Enter the message to encrypt.
- Receive the encrypted output.
- Run the decryption script.
- Select the appropriate level (1, 2, or 3).
- Provide the same inputs (shift value, keyword, numeric key) used during encryption.
- Enter the encrypted message.
- Receive the original message as output.