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LRain edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 4 revisions


You can find APIs in the following table inside window.PPlayer.

Property Description
initialize(id: string) or initialize(options: PenguinPlayerOptions) Initialize the player, can only be executed once
play(id?: number) Play, changes current song when id is specified
pause() Pause
next() Next song
previous() Previous song
setPlaymode(playmode: Playmodes) Set current playmode
addEventListener(name: string, listener: Function) Add a listener
removeEventListener(name: string, listener: Function) Remove a listener
volume: number Set or get current volume, between 0 - 1
currentTime: number Get or set current time
duration: number get only Get current song's duration
paused: boolean get only Get if the player is paused
song: Song get only Get current song
playlist: Song[] get only Get current playlist



Property Description Default Value
playlist: string | Playlist[] Player's playlist None
autoplay?: boolean Should play after playlist is loaded? true
startIndex?: number Which song should be played after playlist is loaded? Random
overrideVolume?: number Volume of the player 1 or user setting
overridePlaymode?: Playmodes Playmode of the player Playmodes.ListLoop or user setting


Property Description
provider: string ID of the source provider
name: string Song name
artists: string Artists of the song, split with ,
album?: string Album of the song
thumbnail?: string Thumbnail URL of the song
thumbnailNoCrossOrigin?: string Should thumbnail be loaded without crossOrigin?


This type can be either FilePlaylist, NeteasePlaylist or QQPlaylist


Property Description
type: string Type of playlist
options: any Options for playlist


This type is extended from BasePlaylist

Property Description
type = "file" None
options: FilePlaylistItem[] Files in playlist


This type is extended from BasePlaylist

Property Description
type = "netease" None
options: string ID of playlist


This type is extended from BasePlaylist

Property Description
type = "qq" None
options: string ID of playlist


Property Description
name: string Song name
artists: string[] Song artists
url: string URL of the song file
thumbnail?: string Thumbnail URL of the song
album?: string Album name



Entry Value Description
List 0 Play one by one, doesn't repeat the playlist
ListLoop 1 Play one by one, repeats the playlist
SingleLoop 2 Repeat current song
Random 3 Play randomly