A collection of python scripts for building a yolo dataset. In the voc and coco folder you will find create scripts which allows you to specify the classes to use.
This project is mainly for myself.
Opencv and numpy for reading in the bounding boxes.
These dependencies can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt
This script verifies a yolo dataset. Missing annotations or corrupt images will be reported. It is also possible to review the bounding boxes and their corresponding labels.
- Usage: The following is the help output of the script.
usage: verify_dataset.py [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-s] [-c CONFIG]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Path to a file that will contain the error messages.
None is the default value.In that case errors will be
print to console.
-s, --showbbox Flag. If specified, the bounding boxes within the
original image will be shown.False is the default
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Yolo training config file. Will contain the references
to the label and train/val files.obj.data is the
default value
Allows you to shift the index in the annotation files. Usefull when adding a new class.
- Usage: The following is the help output of the script.
usage: add_class.py [-h] -d DIR -a AMOUNT -i INDEX
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-d DIR, --dir DIR Directory containing the images and annotation
-a AMOUNT, --amount AMOUNT
How many classes to add. This will shift all indices
starting at the start index with the given amount.
-i INDEX, --index INDEX
The class start index
This merges two datasets. Source classes not contained in the target set will be appended. Existing classes will keep their index. The target classes file will be rewritten and contain the new classes(if their are any)
- Usage: The following is the help output of the script.
usage: merge_dataset.py [-h] -s SOURCEDIR -t TARGETDIR -sc SOURCECLASSES -tc
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
Directory containing the source annotations/images
Directory containing the target annotations/images
File containing the classes/labels for the source
File containing the classes/labels for the target