This repository demonstrates training and evaluating a Keras model using the Higgs dataset available from the UCI ML Repository.
The dataset has been studied in this publication:
The ML pipeline includes downloading the dataset, data preparation, model training, evaluation, feature importance analysis, and visualization of results. Dask is utilised for handling this large datasets for parallel processing.
- Create and source virtual environment:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate # On Windows use `env\Scripts\activate`
- Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Higgs dataset can be downloaded directly from the provided scripts in separate steps
~ 2.6
~ 7
~ test dataset: 240 MB, trained dataset: 5 GB
Alternatively, you can run directly the main script from the data/src/
python data/src/
Download a dataset file from the specified URL with a progress bar.
python data/
zipDataUrl = '' # Higgs dataset URL
zipPath = '../higgs/'
downloadDataset(zipDataUrl, zipPath)
cleanUp(zipPath) # Clean up downloaded zip file (~ 2.6 GB)
Extract the contents of a zip dataset and decompress the .gz dataset file to a specified output path.
python data/
zipDataUrl = '' # Higgs dataset URL
extractTo = '../higgs'
zipPath = os.path.join(extractTo, '')
gzCsvPath = os.path.join(extractTo, 'higgs.csv.gz')
finalCsvPath = os.path.join(extractTo, 'higgs.csv')
extractZippedData(zipPath, extractTo)
decompressGzFile(gzCsvPath, finalCsvPath)
cleanUp(gzCsvPath) # Clean up gzipped file (~ 2.6 GB)
Set column names and separates the test set from the training data based on the dataset description (500,000 test sets).
Dataset Description: The first column is the class label (1 for signal, 0 for background), followed by the 28 features (21 low-level features then 7 high-level features). The first 21 features (columns 2-22) are kinematic properties measured by the particle detectors in the accelerator. The last seven features are functions of the first 21 features.
python data/
prepareFrom = '../higgs'
csvPath = os.path.join(prepareFrom, 'higgs.csv')
preparedCsvPath = os.path.join(prepareFrom, 'prepared-higgs.csv')
prepareData(csvPath, preparedCsvPath)
cleanUp(csvPath) # Clean up gzipped file (~ 7.5 GB)
Use the dataLoader/
script to load the prepared dataset into a Pandas DataFrame.
python data/src/
filepath = '../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_train.csv' # prepared-higgs_test.csv
dataLoader = DataLoader(filepath)
dataFrame = dataLoader.loadData()
Use the dataLoader/
script to load the prepared dataset into a Dask DataFrame, which is beneficial for this large dataset.
python data/src/
filepath = '../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_train.csv' # prepared-higgs_test.csv
dataLoader = DataLoaderDask(filepath)
dataFrame = dataLoader.loadData()
Provides various functions for performing EDA, including visualising correlations, checking missing values, and plotting feature distributions.
The data analysis plots are saved under eda/plots
python exploration/
filepath = '../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_train.csv' # prepared-higgs_test.csv
# using Dask data frame
dataLoaderDask = DataLoaderDask(filepath)
dataFrame = dataLoaderDask.loadData()
eda = EDA(dataFrame)
eda.visualizeFeatureScatter('feature_1', 'feature_2')
The model is defined using Keras with the following default architecture for binary classification:
- Input layer with 128 neurons (dense)
- Hidden layer with 64 neurons (dense)
- Output layer with 1 neuron (activation function: sigmoid)
You can customise the model architecture by providing a different modelBuilder
callable in the ModelTrainer class.
The trained models and training loss plots are saved under kerasModel/trainer/trainedModels
python kerasModel/trainer/
filePath = '../../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_train.csv'
def customModel(inputShape: int) -> Model:
"""Example of a custom model builder function for classification"""
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(256, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid') # Sigmoid for binary classification
return model
dataLoaderDask = DataLoaderDask(filePath)
dataFrame = dataLoaderDask.loadData()
## Optional: Define model training/compiling/defining parameters as a dictionary and pass it to the class constructor
params = {
"epochs": 10,
"batchSize": 32,
"minSampleSize": 100000,
"learningRate": 0.001,
"modelBuilder": customModel, # callable
"loss": 'binary_crossentropy',
"metrics": ['accuracy']
trainer = ModelTrainer(dataFrame, params)
trainer.trainKerasModel() # optional: Train the Keras model with sampling, Set: trainKerasModel(sample = true, frac = 0.1).
The evaluation script computes metrics like:
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall (Sensitivity
- F1 Score
- Classification Report
The evaluation includes visualizations such as
- Confusion Matrix
- ROC Curve
The evaluation results are logged and saved to a file under kerasModel/evaluator/evaluationPlots
python kerasModel/evaluator/
modelPath = '../trainer/trainedModels/keras_model_trained_dataset.keras'
filePath = '../../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_train.csv'
dataLoaderDask = DataLoaderDask(filePath)
dataFrame = dataLoaderDask.loadData()
evaluator = ModelEvaluator(modelPath, dataFrame)
The feature importance is computed using permutation importance and visualised using a bar chart. It is implemented once using the Pandas approach (with SciKit) and another using Dask for parallel processing.
The chart and the result CSV file are saved under kerasModel/featureImportance/featureImportancePlots
python kerasModel/featureImportance/
modelPath = '../trainer/trainedModels/keras_model_test_dataset.keras'
filePath = '../../data/higgs/prepared-higgs_test.csv'
dataLoaderDask = DataLoaderDask(filePath)
dataFrame = dataLoaderDask.loadData()
evaluator = FeatureImportanceEvaluator(modelPath, dataFrame)
# Alternatively
evaluator = FeatureImportanceEvaluator(modelPath, dataFrame, sampleFraction = 0.1, nRepeats=32) # with sampling
evaluator.evaluate(withDask = False) # with pandas