shuangpin nature code db file from dongyuwei/vimim-data for ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM
Use vim-plug to install this db source, add the following line to your vimrc
Plug 'RandolphChen/ZFVimIM_vimim-nature', {'branch':'origin/release'}
cloud input
let g:ZFVimIM_nature_gitUserEmail='YourEmail' let g:ZFVimIM_nature_gitUserName='YourUserName' let g:ZFVimIM_nature_gitUserToken='YourGithubAccessToken'
let g:zf_git_user_email='YourEmail' let g:zf_git_user_name='YourUserName' let g:zf_git_user_token='YourGithubAccessToken'
once configured, any changes would be pushed with the specified git user info (make sure you have push permission)
refer to ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM for more info