- 2022.11.2
- Base QAT, PTQ
- Per_tensor, Per_channel
- Minmax, EmaMinmax, Histogram, omse, adaround, bias_correction
- dorefa, lsq
Python > 3.6 + Pytorch >= 1.6
python main.py --type QAT --level L
You can change --type and --level to choose different quazation method
python main.py --type PTQ --adaround --level L
python main.py --type PTQ --bias_correction --level L
python main.py --type PTQ --Histogram --level L
python main.py --type PTQ --omse --level L
python main.py --type QAT --dorefa --level L
python main.py --type QAT --lsq --level L
Models | VGG_S |
QAT_8 | 99.4 |
dorefa_4_32 | 99.46 |
dorefa_6_32 | 99.56 |
LSQ_8 | 99.48 |
PTQ_bias_correction | 99.43 |
PTQ_adaround | 99.41 |
- LSQ need pretrained model to inital scale
- Because MNIST is small, different quanzation methods all can compress the model without accuracy drop
- The code structure is simple and easy to expand other sota quanzation methods