A simple and short collections helpers for asp.net MVC 5
Available on Nuget (https://www.nuget.org/packages/asp.net-mvc-helpers/)
Create a radio button MVC compatible and BootStrap compatible
Create a checkbox in BootStrap Standard (http://getbootstrap.com/css/#forms-controls)
Decorate the classic validation summary with bootstrap alert
set the mail type on an input (HTML5)
load the right JS generated by a typescript file or a list of TS files (.min if not debug)
Load a JS file (or some JS files), create a Bundle and set the script tag to load it
Add Jquery files in page with CDN if it's release mode. If CDN fail, it switch on local bundle. Local bundle if it's debug mode (usefull for debugging)
Add Jquery validation files in page with CDN if it's release mode and local bundle if it's debug mode (usefull for debugging)
In full less configuration (or with webessential) VS/Build generate file.css and file.min.css. this method choose the right file depend of mode 'release' or 'debug'
Helper to combine with ResourceBuilder Class Give the right bundle Url contructed by Resources Builder
Get the culture from browser (client side)
Compress a partial view
Compose a valid Gravatar Url from email (see : https://fr.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ for more details)
Create an Action Link with a Glyph Icon
Used attribute to remove cache page for each call to server Place attribute on controller method
Used attribute to filter Ajax call from client
Attribut used to say to the browser (and server) this action is highly cacheable
Decorates any MVC route that needs to have client requests limited by time. come from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33969/best-way-to-implement-request-throttling-in-asp-net-mvc
Give the date of Computer Start Date
Compute a datetime base on ticks + start of time
Compute the number of ticks between start of time and datetime (in UTC)
Convert an UTC DateTime in a correct JSON/JS string datetime (ISO 8601)
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID) with a shorter string value than GUID
Builder use to make bundlesfrom resx embedded files in dll
Just for send simple message to slack via Slack Api > RestSharp