I'm a game developer, working as a Tool programmer at Ubisoft. I code mostly with C#/.NET.
I'm globally interested by game development, but also by languages & UX.
I tends to create small libraries & tools on GitHub when my bigger personal projects need them.
- Glyph: 2D-game engine based on MonoGame
- Calame: customizable content editor for Glyph engine games
- Fingear: cross-engine input framework
- SubSolution: framework & tool to manipulate Visual Studio solution files
- Niddle: dependency injection framework
- Taskete: scheduling framework
- PostMortem: crash reporting framework
- OverGraphed: graph framework
- Simulacra: binding framework
- Stave: component-component-system framework
- YoutubeDotMp3: application to download audio from Youtube
- SoundtrackTagger: tag soundtrack files with original media info
- CoverMyOST: find & assign covers to soundtrack files
- FreeCompanyRegister: output job levels of FF14 Free Company members into a CSV
- Dash: note-taking language grammar
- Dast: represent & convert linear documents
- MetaGram: multi-target ANTLR grammar
- NowPlayingFiles: streamer VLC plugin to output current song info in file