rosdep install hci_node
This package contains several nodes that all serve for HCI purposes, including
- Corner Extractor Node: Extract corner infor from Path
- Sound Play Node: warns the user before and after a turn through text-to-speech
- Pedestrian Warner Node: warns the user about pedestrian ahead and slow down Cabot
rosrun hci_node
This node will listen to global plan published by navigation stack, extract the corners and publish them. The paramters can be configured in __init__
This node read pedestrians detected by Kinect, then make sound to tell the user. It also slow the robot down.
, center of mass for each person
, things for GUI to say
, Dynamic Reconfigure service
message, containing the waypoint CaBot is trying to reach and the current distance from the waypoint
- maximum angle (in radians) before user is warned about turnwarn_threshold
- maximum distance (in meters) before user is warned about turnisFeet
- True = use feet for distance units, False = use meters as distance units
We get you covered. Cabot has a nice simulator. Just run roslaunch localizer simulated_planner.launch
, and you will get everything you want! (except lidar scan data) You can add destination and pose estimation directly through rviz
- For soundplay, please refer to the tutorials/troubleshooting in the sound_play ROS library
- For corner extractor, ask Yanda