A pharmaceutical store owner need to understand the data of his business to answer following question :
- On which day of the week is a particular drug most often sold?
- Which five drugs have the highest sales in January 2015, July 2016, September 2017.
- Which drug has sold most often on Mondays in 2017?
- What medicine sales may be in January 2020? (Our data set only contains information about sales from January 2014 to October 2019)
- Project Structure
- Prosess
- How to run
- Deployment (Real world Use)
- To improve
- About Me
- ├── diabetes.csv
- ├── cleaned_data.csv
- ├── scaled_data.csv
- ├── data_documentation.pdf
- ├── py_files
- ├── 1_data_preprocessing
- ├── 2_ML_model
- ├── 3_DL_model
- ├── helpers.py
- ├── contains graph and figures
- ├── contains trained models
- ├── contains images used in this images
- step1 : Importing Packages
- step2 : Loading the data
- step3 : Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- step4 : Data Preparation
- step5 : Build and Train the model
- step6 : Model prediction and Evaluation
- step7 : Model Improvement
- Hyperparameter Tuning, Features Selection and Features Ingeneering
- step8 : Model Deployment
N.B : python 3.7 is recommended
- $ git clonehttps://github.com/RekidiangData-S/p01ml_diabetes_prediction.git
- $ cd p01ml_diabetes_prediction
- $ python -m venv p01ml_venv
- $ p01ml_venv\Scripts\activate (<= Activate virtual Environment)
- $ deactivate (<= Deactivate virtual Environment)
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml02_venv --display-name "ml02_kernel"
- $ jupyter notebook
- $ python3 -m venv ml02_venv
- $ source ml02_venv/bin/activate (<= Activate virtual Environment)
- $ deactivate (<= Deactivate virtual Environment)
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml02_venv --display-name "ml02_kernel"
- $ jupyter notebook
Verify if you have conda installed ($conda --version) if not go to anconda or miniconda to download and install it
$ conda create -n ml02_venv python=3.7
$ conda activate ml02_venv (<= Activate virtual Environment)
$ conda deactivate (<= Deactivate virtual Environment)
- $ python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml02_venv --display-name "ml02_kernel"
$ jupyter notebook
Go to Kernel -> Change kernel -> ml02_kernel
$ jupyter kernelspec list (<= list all ipykernel in your system)
$ jupyter kernelspec uninstall p01ml_venv (<= Delete the ipykernel in your system)
- $ jupyter kernelspec list (<= list all ipykernel in your system)
- $ jupyter kernelspec uninstall ml02_venv (<= Delete the ipykernel in your system)
- put link for real world app after deployment in heroku
I'm a data scientist, software Engineer. data and technology passionate person, Artificial Intelligence enthusiast
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