Create a website where restaurants can list and offer their menus for take-away. To create this application, students should:
- Create an SQLite database that stores information about restaurants, menus, dishes, customers, and orders.
- Create documents using HTML and CSS representing the application's web pages.
- Use PHP to generate those web pages after retrieving/changing data from the database.
- Use Javascript to enhance the user experience (for example, using Ajax).
All base requirements were implemented.
- Register new account
- Login/Logout
- Edit Profile (including photo)
- Delete Profile
- Users can stack functions roles
- Add Restaurant
- Edit Restaurant
- Remove Restaurant
- Restaurant Photos
- Searchable & Sortable
- Mark as favorite
- Add Dish
- Edit Dish
- Remove Dish
- Dish Photos
- Searchable & Sortable
- Mark as favorite
- List Restaurant Reviews
- Customer Make Review with photo
- Owner Can Answer Reviews
- Owners can see orders
- Owners can change order state
- Customer can see orders and status
Most additional suggested requirements were also implemented.
- Added Courier User
- Courier can find ready plates to pickup at nearby restaurants
- Courier can update delivery order status
- Courier can cancel a delivery
- Courier can alow geolocation tracking while delivering
- Customer can check Courier geolocation with Google Maps API
- Orders have extra information for the Courier
- Order's Kanbord for Owner and Courier
- Customer & Owners can cancel orders
- Customer recieves notification with sound after order status change
- User actions notifications of types: info, error, success
- Cart can include multiple restaurants and the orders will be split by restaurant
- Some REST API's were developed
- Image Carousel for Restaurants & Plates
- Search plate category inside Restaurant Page
Deployment of the website can be found in TastyEats
We have 3 kinds of users: Customer, Owner, Courier. You can use the following demo user credentials:
Users | Password | |
Customer | [email protected] |
batata |
Owner | [email protected] |
batata |
Courier | [email protected] |
batata |
- Marco André ([email protected])
- Ricardo de Matos ([email protected])
- Francisco Bernardo ([email protected])