With this PHP library you can easily fetch data on a company given its business ID (y-tunnus):
- Name of the company
- Website
- Current address (street, city, postal code)
- Current main line of business (code and textual description)
Library uses https://avoindata.prh.fi/ytj_en.html as the data source.
You can require library with:
composer require rikukukkaniemi/finnish-company-info
See requirements from Packagist.
Here is an example on how to use the library:
public function example(CompanyInfoService $companyInfoService): void
try {
$companyInfo = $companyInfoService->getCompanyInformation('1234567-8');
} catch (CompanyInfoException) {
// Handle exception
$companyInfo->getName(); // String
$companyInfo->getWebsite(); // String or null
$currentAddress = $companyInfo->getCurrentAddress(); // Address object
$currentAddress->getStreet(); // String
$currentAddress->getCity(); // String
$currentAddress->getPostalCode(); // String
$businessLines = $companyInfo->getBusinessLines(); // Array of BusinessLine objects (can be empty)
$businessLines[0]->getCode(); // String
$businessLines[0]->getDescription(); // String
$businessLines[0]->getLanguage(); // String (language of description)
Note that CompanyInfoException
is the parent exception. You can also catch a more specific cases of exceptions:
when business ID seems to be invalid.CompanyNotFoundException
when company is not found for given business ID.UnexpectedClientDataException
when the data source returns unexpected data. Should not occur unless data source is broken.
The example code can also be found here.