A recipe storage web app for private usage. The project is primarily meant to be a technology playground.
- Play with technologies like NestJS, Ionic, Kubernetes
- Verify if it is possible to deploy the same app as container and serverless version at the same time
- Have an actually useful app for managing personal recipes
- Create, edit and delete recipes
- Search and view recipes
- Dedicated cooking screen
- Import written or printed recipes from a photo
- OpenAPI
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Github Actions
- Kubernetes
- Gloo
- Serverless Framework
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Aurora Serverless
- NestJS & TypeORM
- Generated OpenAPI Docs
- ORY Kratos & Hydra
- Ionic App
- Angular
- ngRx
- Generated HttpClients (OpenAPI)
- Jest
- Cypress
- Cucumber
- k8