This Python script generates empty ESGF- and CMIP6-compliant files for offline radiative transfer calculations. The script uses the netCDF4 module.
The script requires the RFMIP-IRF input profiles from the input4MIPs site. Get help with the --help flag to the script.
The script takes three optional arguments:
--source_id SOURCE_ID
Source ID, must match CMIP Controlled Vocabulary at
--forcing_index FORCING_INDEX
Forcing index (1 = all available greenhouse gases; 2 =
CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11eq; 3 = CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC12eq,
--physics_index PHYSICS_INDEX
Physics index, e.g. for different approximations
If no arguments are provided the script produces files for LBLRTM-12-8
It would be reasonable to update the "create_date" attribute when writing data to the file, being careful to preserve the required formatting.
If you are publishing the data on the ESGF (rather than providing it to a publisher) recall that the directory structure needs to follow the conventions described in the CMIP6 conventions document
Directory structure = <mip_era>/ <activity_id>/ <institution_id>/ <source_id>/ <experiment_id>/ <member_id>/ <table_id>/ <variable_id>/ <grid_label>/
has the form “vYYYYMMDD” (e.g., “v20160314”), indicating a representative date for the version. Note that files contained in a single subdirectory at the end of the directory path should represent all the available time-samples reported from the simulation; a time-series can be split across several files, but all the files must be found in the same subdirectory. This implies that will not generally be the actual date that all files in the subdirectory were written or published.
So an example directory will be: CMIP6/RFMIP/AER/LBLRTM-12-8/rad-irf/r1i1p1f1/Efx/rlu/gn/v20190215/