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This are the endpoints of the api. Here are listed the method used to access the endpoint and if it need or not an authentication.


To use the private routes is necessary to send an Authorization header in the request filled with a JWT (JSONWebToken). The format of the header is: "Authorization:'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MDU0NzU0NjQsImV4cCI6MTYwNTU2MTg2NCwic3ViIjoiNGRhZWFkODMtZTAwZi00NTI2LWI1M2UtYWY1NThhNzgxZjcyIn0.8v_dv2-ZKhJjfrrbPOSip1dDdQN_KN9Aj6WmvT7jUgg'"

To create a valid JWT, send a POST request to "/auth" with a JSON body which needs to contain an email and password properties filled with an existent user's data. That request will send back a JSON with the property token containing your JWT valid for 24 hours.

To verify if a token is still valid, use the "/auth/verify/yourTokenHere" route with a GET method.



Route = "/users"

  • / - POST

    • isPrivate = false

    • Needs a JSON body that contains username, email and password properties; Creates and returns the new user info.

    • URL Example:

    • Creates an user and returns its info

  • /userId - GET

    • isPrivate = false

    • URL Example:

    • Returns an user's info

Route = "/auth"

  • / - POST

    • isPrivate = false

    • Needs a JSON body that contains email and password properties, filled with a existent user's data; Generates a JSONWebToken used to access private routes

    • URL Example:

    • Creates a JWT for the user which has compatible info with the sent data and returns it

  • /verify/JSONWebToken - GET

    • isPrivate = false

    • URL Example:

    • Verifies if the given JWT is valid or not


Route = "/notes"

  • / - GET

    • isPrivate = true

    • URL Example:

    • Returns all the user's notes with its info. The utilized user is selected by the token in the Authorization header

  • /noteId - GET

    • isPrivate = true

    • URL Example:

    • Returns a note's info by its id. The note has to be property of the user that generated the token in Authorization header

  • / - POST

    • isPrivate = true

    • Needs a JSON body that contains the following properties:

      1. title - string
      2. content - JSON object / string - only required if isLink is true
      3. tags - not required - an array which every element is an existent tag name
      4. isLink - boolean
    • URL Example:

    • Creates a new note and returns its info

  • /noteId - PUT

    • isPrivate = true

    • Needs a JSON body that can contain the following properties:

      1. title - string
      2. content - JSON object / string
      3. tags - not required - an array which every element is an existent tag name
      4. isLink - boolean
    • URL Example:

    • Updates the note's info and returns the updated note info

  • /noteId - DELETE

    • isPrivate = true

    • URL Example:

    • Deletes the note by its ID. Only deletes if the given note is property from the user that generated the token sent in Authorization header


Will be here in the future...


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