Office Icons for PlantUML
There are sprites (*.puml) and colored png icons available. Be aware that the sprites are all only monchrome even if they have a color in their name (due to automatically generating the files). You can either color the sprites with the macro (see examples below) or directly use the fully colored pngs. See the following examples on how to use the sprites, the pngs and the macros.
Example of usage:
!include <tupadr3/common>
!define ICONURL
!includeurl ICONURL/Servers/database_server.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Servers/application_server.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Concepts/firewall_orange.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Clouds/cloud_disaster_red.puml
title Office Icons Example
package "Sprites" {
db <-> app
app <--> fw
fw <.left.> cloud
package "Images" {
rectangle "<img:>\r DB" as db2
rectangle "<img:>\r App-Server" as app2
rectangle "<img:>\r Firewall" as fw2
rectangle "<img:>\r Cloud" as cloud2
db2 <-> app2
app2 <--> fw2
fw2 <.left.> cloud2
This example renders the following image:
Further example:
!include <tupadr3/common>
!define ICONURL
!includeurl ICONURL/Servers/database_server.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Servers/application_server.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Concepts/firewall_orange.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/Clouds/cloud_disaster_red.puml
' Used to center the label under the images
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
title Extended Office Icons Example
package "Use sprite directly" {
[Some <$cloud_disaster_red> object]
package "Different makro usages" {
OFF_CLOUD_DISASTER_RED(cloud2,Default with text)
OFF_CLOUD_DISASTER_RED(cloud3,Other shape,Folder)
OFF_CLOUD_DISASTER_RED(cloud4,Even another shape,Database)
OFF_CLOUD_DISASTER_RED(cloud5,Colored,Rectangle, red)
OFF_CLOUD_DISASTER_RED(cloud6,Colored background) #red
This example renders the following image: