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Rohan Singh edited this page Feb 23, 2015 · 19 revisions


Variables can defined with the var statement.

var a;

You can initialize variables with a value in the statement as well.

var a = 123;

Multiple variables can be defined in a single statement.

var a = 123, b;

Read-only variables can be defined with const. These must have initializers.

const x = 10;


Comments can be included in code in two ways.

Prefixing text with // will tell the compiler to ignore the rest of the line:

// this is ignored
var a = 1; // this text is also ignored (but not the var!)

Block comments can span multiple lines and are created by surrounding text with /* and */.

/* this is a ignored
var a = 0; still ignored
the line below isn't ignored */
var a = 0; 

These can also be used to create a comment in the middle of a line.

var a /* declare a */ = 0;

Block comments also support nesting.

/* the following line is ignored
var a /* declare a */ = 0; */


Mond uses block-level lexical scoping for named functions/sequences and variables declared with var/const.

var a = 1;

    // curly braces create blocks

    var b = 2;
    print(b); // prints 2

    //var a = 5; // 'a' is already defined, will error

print(a); // prints 1
//print(b); // 'b' is not defined, will error

Object Initializer

Objects can be created in expressions like this:

var obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
print(obj.a); // prints 1

The value name can be left out if you have the value in a variable:

var x = 15, y = 25;
var obj = { x, y };
print(obj.y); // prints 25

A trailing comma is allowed if you have at least one value.

Array Initializer

Arrays can be created in expressions like this:

var array = [1, 2, 3];
print(array[1]); // prints 2

A trailing comma is allowed if you have at least one value.

String Escape Sequences

Special characters can be included in strings by using escape sequences. To use an escape sequence, prefix the Format string from the following table with \.

Format Output
\ \
/ /
" "
' '
b Backspace
f Form Feed
n Newline
r Carriage Return
t Horizontal Tab
uXXXX Unicode character from hexadecimal value XXXX


Constants can be defined exactly like [[var|Syntax#variables]] but they use the const keyword instead of var.

The following constants can be referenced from scripts:

  • [[global|Globals]]
  • undefined
  • null
  • true
  • false
  • NaN
  • Infinity


Keywords are reserved words that can not be used as identifiers. Mond reserves the following as keywords:

  • var
  • const
  • fun
  • return
  • seq
  • yield
  • if
  • else
  • for
  • foreach
  • in
  • while
  • do
  • break
  • continue
  • switch
  • case
  • default
  • debugger
  • global
  • undefined
  • null
  • true
  • false
  • NaN
  • Infinity