sig S {} //set
run { some S } for 3 // command that indicates that S is not empty
// back end analyzer is goingenumerate all the sets
// Three un-empty sets exists
// {S1, S2, S3} there are 7 un-empty subsets however alloy will only generate 3 types of sets
// because it take out isomorphic sets e.g. {S1} s= {S2}
class List{
Node header;
static class Node{
Node next;
r: A x B
- A = {a1, a2}
- B = {b1, b2}
A relation r will map A to B A total function map one thing to exactly one thing: a1 x b2 a2 x b2 A partial function: a1 x b2
one sig List { // one limit the amount of lists to 1
header: lone Node // header: List x Node is a partial function
sig Node {
link: lone Node // link: Node x Node
// next is a preserved word in alloy so we use link here
pred Acyclic(l: List) { // parameterized formula and l has no cycle
all n: l.header.*link | n !in n.^link // .*link starting at l.header, make more than zero traversal
// that node should not be in the n.^link goes all the way to the end
// header -> n1 -> n2 -> n3
// l.header = {n1}
// = {n2}
// l.header.^next = {n2, n3}
// l.header.*next = {n1, n2, n3}
pred Acyclic2(l: List) { // there exist a node that has no next node e.g. the list should come to an end
no l.header or some n: l.heaer.*link | no
check { // they are equivalent
all l: List | Acyclic[l] <=> Acyclic2[l]
//fact { all n: Node | some l: List | n in l.header.*link }
fact { Node = List.header.*link } // get all the nodes in all the lists
//fact { all l: List | Acyclic[l] }
fact NoSharingOfNodes {
all l1, l2: List | l1 = l2 or no l1.header.*link & l2.header.*link
run Acyclic