This Repository contains code for analyzing a flare stack At present a Base program to analyze the flame and get the dimensions is ready.
Slack Team [email protected]
Phase-2: Add perspective, add in fly data
Objective -1 Perspective and dimension corrections: add a perspective and get the dimensions correct. We assume some dimensions, like 15 meters as shown in image.
Objective-2 Add In fly data Sub-Objective - 2.1, Add analysis to image and display. Add the Flame envelope to the original image. Show the analysis data on image.
Subobjective - 2.2 Create a complete Python program to get the input video, Analyze each image, resize Carry out analysis Output a video with the embedded analysis.
Phase-3 Subobjective-3.1 Create a set of images showing the different classifications of flames. Right now limited images are available on the internet. So we will edit and create the images for classification...
Subobjective 3.2 Create a convolution network to model the classification. Add the convolution network classification output to the on the fly Video output...