A JSON API that acts as a wrapper for most Booru sites.
This API was created for, and is used on the Rule 34 App.
Developed with the following goals:
- Provide a universal JSON response independent of the site.
- Support most Booru types.
- Be fast.
Thanks to Universal Booru Manager
(UBW), a utility package created by me, the API supports the following Booru types:
- Gelbooru 0.2
- Paheal
- Danbooru
- Danbooru 2
- E621
This API respects all the Boorus that it communicates with.
- Cache every request so that the original Booru site has less load.
- Use correct HTTP headers for better CDN cache.
If you are interested on modifying the API:
- Inspired by Kurozenzen's API.
- With help from @tuananh.