When evaluating text classification models, we want to be certain about the performance of a model as well as its superiority over another. In the area of text classification it has become a norm to apply Null Hypothesis Significance Test(NHST) to statistically state and compare classifier performance. But, a frequentist approach has its own limitations and fallacies. In this report, we reflect on limitations posed by NHST. We also implement a novel Bayesian approach for evaluating text-classification models. We use a benchmark dataset and create several shallow models consisting of sparse and dense features and also an attention-based model for comparison. We empirically demonstrate the difference between the two evaluation approaches.
implements feature engineering and modeling for NB, kNN,SVM,NNet, DT, RF and AB.FineTunedBert.ipynb
implements DistilBERT over 5 epochs. Can take a few hours to train!PairedBootstrap.ipynb
implements frequentist NHST using paired-bootstrap.BayesianHypothesisTesting.ipynb
implements Bayesian Hypothesis test for comparing performance of model A and B.Figures.ipynb
is used to generte several figures in the report.
- PyTorch indexing was different from Sk-learn's indexing. In order to compare output of pytorch model with sklearn's output, we need to reset the index:
# Example
sklearn.metrics.f1_score(ytest[ytest_bert_idx,:], ytest_pred_bert, average='micro', sample_weight=None, zero_division='warn')
- For NHST, the bootstrap sampling was not optimized, it can take a while to create 10000 bootstrap samples for each case!
All the model output are provided in Data folder.
To obtain feature-matrix from DitilBERT model, please refer the section "Creating BERT based features" in the Shallow_Models.ipynb
- PDF file in Report folder.